Apple and the European Union have been locked in a constant quarrel of late as the bigwigs of Brussels have begun throwing their weight around in the tech world. From their Digital Markets Act shattering app neutrality and obliterating any form of quality control for future platforms to wider demands on how electronic devices function and perform in order to reduce e-waste, at this point, the European Union might as well be Apple’s design team.
The EU started all this by establishing a law to see all new devices adopt a “single charging solution.” In this instance, that solution is USB-C meaning Apple would have to begin phasing out Lightning Charger ports on iPhone models in order to adopt USB-C by 2024. Apple may have initially kicked up a fuss, but they now seem all on board with the idea with leaks and rumors pointing to the iPhone 15 being outfitted with a USB-C port in order to comply with EU regulations.