
Millions worth of back pay is sitting unclaimed from these companies

Construction workers work underneath the Interstate 10 freeway on Nov. 14, 2023. A fire under the freeway severely damaged the overpass in an industrial zone near downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, Nov. 11, 2023. The large blaze burned trailers, cars and other things in storage lots beneath a major highway near downtown Los Angeles, forcing the temporary closure of the roadway.

When corporations fail to pay workers for overtime, don’t pay workers for all of their hours or pay below minimum wage, they are violating the Fair Labor Standards Act. Often, these violations are perpetrated against younger workers, migrant workers and those working minimum wage jobs.

The Department of Labor investigates wage theft and recovers unpaid money on behalf of employees, but this money doesn’t always make it to the pockets of the employees who earned it.

From health care staffing, construction, to state corrections departments, these industries are high on the list of unclaimed worker-owed wages. An estimated 208,000 workers across the U.S. are owed millions in back pay from corporations that violated wage laws, as of last month.

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