
Manila, call for bids FY 23/24: media freedom

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The UK supports the global Media Freedom Coalition and aspires to support efforts in promoting media freedom locally as a global public good and be more proactive in defending and supporting journalists in the Philippines. The British Embassy Manila is seeking a proposal which supports the following objectives:

  • strengthen the legal and regulatory environment in which freedom of the press is protected and respected on a national and/or regional scale
  • empower and increase access to justice and legal support of journalists to advance media freedom and promote an inclusive media sphere

All bids should be in pounds sterling (GBP). Bidders are strongly advised to limit their proposals up to £30,000. Proposals covering more than one objective are welcome.

Approval process

Project bids will be shortlisted and approved by the British Embassy Manila’s Programme Board. To apply for funding, interested organisations must submit a full project proposal and activity-based budget (ABB) (see attached templates). The proposal should provide the information required to enable the programme team to make an initial assessment of whether the bidder will be able to qualify for the funding.

Managerial and financial aspects

  • Any organisation can apply for funding. We do not accept project bids submitted by individuals.
  • Please note that payment will be made in arrears. We cannot make pre-payments. Successful bidders should make payments and be reimbursed by the Embassy. The implementer must have an active bank account in the name of the organisation to which we can transfer reimbursements electronically.
  • Organisations must prove that they are able to manage the project sum in a satisfactory manner; the embassy may request reports by auditors.


We regret that we are unable to fund:

  • Academic course
  • Charitable activities
  • Commercial activities
  • Infrastructure or construction projects


A partnership framework to support the broader engagement of a project is welcome and can strengthen your bid. Please make sure to specify your other source(s) of funding in the project proposal.

Evaluation of project bids

The aim of the project should be concise, feasible and sustainable. The expected outcomes should be measurable and the target group should be clearly defined and involved in project implementation.

The assessment criteria will include the following:

  • Financial and operational capacity
  • Relevance
  • Methodology
  • Sustainability
  • Value for money
  • Impact


The Embassy will require monthly financial reports and quarterly project progress reports (narrative and financial) from implementers. The first payment will be made upon the receipt of a monthly financial report. When the project has been completed, the implementer shall prepare and send a final report to the Embassy within the period specified in the contract.


Deadline for submission of concept note is 10 October 2023.

Successful applicants will implement their project from October 2023 (TBC) until 15 March 2024. All payment requests and reporting should be finalised by 31 March 2024. You are advised to plan project activities accordingly.


Completed project proposal and ABB should be sent by email to

Successful applicants will be informed of the result in the week commencing 16 October 2023.

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