Is it soy? Is it meat? Is it something else? Actually, it’s science.
The US Department of Agriculture approved the sale of “cultivated” or lab-grown meat to American consumers on Wednesday, paving the way for what manufactures say is a new avenue for food sourcing and distribution.
Two companies, Upside Foods and GOOD Meat, were both given the rubber stamp to begin manufacturing and selling their “cultivated chicken” products, also known as “cultured” chicken, which are produced using animal cells grown in a lab to create meat without directly slaughtering an animal.
Companies and advocates working in the meat-alternative space celebrated the decision, hailing lab-grown protein as a viable means of addressing environmental and ethical concerns linked to the traditional mass-production of meat.

The Good Food Institute, a non-profit think tank focused on advancements in the alternative protein industry, called the news “groundbreaking” in a statement, citing research published in The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment that expects cultivated meat to be nearly three times more efficient, with the potential to reduce the carbon footprint by 92 percent, land use by 90 percent, and water use by 66 percent compared to conventional beef production.