
‘I’m a single mum earning £80k but we still struggle – I can’t afford nice things’

A woman has confessed that despite earning a good wage she has ‘very little spare money’ and claims she is left unable to afford to buy a magazine, go out for meals, or pick up new makeup like she used to

A mum who earns £80K a year says she cannot afford to treat herself like she used to due to the current financial climate (stock image)(Getty Images)

A woman says she struggles to afford “nice things” despite earning £80,000 a year.

As the rising cost of living crisis has had significant impact on the prices of food and drink, fuelling our cars, and housing costs, families across the UK have had to make a number of cut backs in a bid to afford to live. The reality of once being able to spend some of your pay check on treating yourself to something nice is no longer possible for most who are often worrying about money.

But one woman has openly shared that while she earns a very good wage, she claims she cannot afford to enjoy “quick coffees, pastries for breakfast, brunches, magazines, or new lipsticks”, like she used to. “Who the hell has spare money?”, she asked Mumsnet users.

The mum, who wishes to remain unnamed, said: “I earn £81,000 and although I am not on the breadline and understand how lucky I am compared to others, I have very little spare money.”

She added: “I am a single, co-parent and I live in London so my mortgage is a lot. I used to have loads spare and felt ‘well off’ but now I’ve had to cut down on all the little spending I once never gave a thought to.

“If I can’t afford these things I don’t understand how ‘they’ [the government] keep saying that consumer spending is still strong and driving inflation.”

Relating to the mum, one individual said: “I earn slightly more and I am skint. Didn’t have a fixed mortgage so that’s up by £1,300 a month.” Another said: “People’s mortgages vary massively and single parenting in London with a sizeable mortgage is going to be a huge expense.”

Another commented: “I earn £38k and was doing OK until I had to start paying for nursery. I had the most disposable income in my 20s when I was single and renting, as I didn’t put pressure on myself to save up for a mortgage as I knew I’d never afford one by myself. Also I don’t like buying lots of ‘stuff’.”

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