
I would like to hear a statement from the EU ambassador that the EU is ready to make public its finances

When you represent the European Union, whose money is spent here secretly, the first responsibility is to ensure transparency, – said the Chairman of the Parliament of Georgia, Shalva Papuashvili.

According to him, today part of the EU money is spent in Georgia for political purposes.

“I would like to hear a statement from the ambassador of the European Union that the European Union is ready to make public the finances that flow from the European Union to Georgia, that the European Democratic Fund would no longer operate secretly, using the methods of the special service in Georgia. I would like to hear a statement from him, where the European Union would take responsibility for the spending of its citizens’ money in Georgia. Unfortunately, today part of the European Union’s money is secretly spent in Georgia, for political purposes, to fund radicalization and terror. We see that organizations funded by EU money are busy today with terror, threats against political officials, phone calls, meetings, which is liberal fascist style. I want to hear what Georgian people want to hear. When you represent the EU, whose money is being spent here in secret, the first responsibility is to make it transparent. All other statements are a style of complaining from abroad so that no one will complain about the opacity,” said Shalva Papuashvili.

According to his assessment, if the approach is such that the Georgian people should be punished for their desire to know what the EU money is spent on, then this should be said openly.

“It should be said that this is the punishment of the Georgian people because the Georgian people dared to demand the transparency of foreign money in their country,” said the Speaker of the Parliament.

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