
How to avoid scams, navigate charities when donating this Veterans Day

Charitable donations are a great way to celebrate Veterans Day - make sure your money is going where you intend before hitting "send" on that payment.

With Veterans Day coming up, many of us are turning our minds to ways of honoring service members and their families. Making a charitable donation is a great way to give back and the holiday is a time when many people are looking for the right organizations to give their money and time.

While there are plenty of well-respected foundations working to improve the lives of veterans, active service member and their families, there are also bad actors looking to take advantage of altruistic people and the people they are looking to help.

According to a warning from the Federal Trade Commission, charity scammers are known to target not only people looking to contribute around Veterans Day but veterans and their families themselves. As the holiday season approaches and more people are looking to give, it’s advised that would-be donors keep in mind that not every so-called charity is the same and it pays to do a little extra due diligence before hitting “send” on that payment button.

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