
Hairdresser raises money for Christmas gifts to women escaping domestic abuse

A hairdresser will give Christmas gifts to women and children in safe houses across Bristol. Lana Gale, who runs The Lock Stock in St Anne’s, spent Christmas in a women’s refuge herself has been supporting the charity Next Link for the last four years.

Lana began volunteering for Next Link after her friend Mehala Osborne put out a Christmas appeal in 2019. Lana, who has a large social media following, has used her platform to raise funds ever since. “I’ve been in a refuge myself so this is close to my heart,” she said.

“It’s important that we remember people in these safe houses at Christmas, who have often had to leave their homes in the middle of the night with nothing, “ explained Lana who donates Easter Eggs and sweets at Halloween. Lana just bought the sweets with her own money but this Christmas she wants to focus on fundraising and make it their ‘best year yet’.

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Many years ago, Lana spent Christmas alone in a safe house after escaping from domestic violence and for her, getting a gift that year brought her to tears because it meant so much to know that she was remembered: “I was just completely isolated. It was just me on my own on Christmas Day and I remember getting some hot chocolate and marshmallows and that has always stuck with me.

“The refuges are amazing and life-saving but also sad places and it’s important that they just know people are thinking of them. It’s a lonely place to be and children can be very unsettled. They’ve often had to leave all their toys behind and leave with nothing but the clothes on their back. When you’re escaping domestic violence- often you just run.”

In response to Lana’s donations of sweet cones for Halloween, Missing Link volunteer Coordinator, Lauren Slack said: “We were just blown away by this huge act of kindness and thoughtfulness. This meant that no-one felt left out over Halloween weekend and it went down so well with residents.”

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