
Cost of Living payment 2023 latest — DWP explains shock £150 cash boost as household bills rise TODAY

Households in Torbay can get up to £500

Thanks to the Household Support Fund, households which aren’t on benefits can earn between £250 and £500 in Torbay, while those claiming welfare can at least get £150.

Struggling households can apply for the free cash once every six months, and if they prefer, they can ask for shopping vouchers instead.

However, to collect such vouchers, you’ll need to go onto the Family Hubs section of the council website to apply.

Torbay council is offering many scheme to support children on disability benefits, those aged 18-25 and more, so have a good look.

All you have to do to apply is fill in an online form on the council website and wait for them to respond.

Alternatively, there are also copies to fill in at the local library – just ask at the reception desk.

Car tax rising

As of April, Vehicle Excise Duty – the tax you pay to have you vehicle out on the road – will rise by 10.1%.

Normally the exact amount your VED goes up by every year depends on the vehicle and other factors, including its weight.

It usually depends on when you registered your vehicle too.

If you want to check how much more you will pay from April 1, you can work out the maths yourself.

You just have to go on the Government’s page on Vehicle tax rates and then scroll down to the option that best matches your car, bike or van.

Take the cost, divide it by 100, then multiply that by 10.1%. You then add that figure on to the original figure you would currently pay and you’ve got the new amount.

For example, if you had to pay £150 vehicle tax based on current rates, you will have to pay £165 from April 1.

If you had to pay £230 based on current rates, you will have to pay £253.23 from April 1.

If you’d pay £585 now this will go up to £644 from next month.

It’s usually cheaper to pay for the whole year upfront while if you buy a car that runs on alternative fuels such as ethanol, it helps too.

If you have an electric car, you won’t have to pay until April 2025.

Prescription charges will rise

As of April, prescription charges are rising by 3.21% which means that they’ll cost £9.65 from £9.35 last year.

The cost of prescription pre-payment certificates (PPCs) will also be increased: three-month PPC increases by £1 to £31.25 and 12-month PPC increases by £3.50 to £111.60.

If you want to save money, you can opt for a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) as long as you receive 12 or more prescriptions every year.

Millions of Brits are also eligible for free prescriptions, such as those over 60, under 16, and those 16 to 18 in full-time education.

You can also get your prescriptions for free if you’re pregnant or have a medication exemption certificate.

You’re also entitled to free prescriptions if you or your partner (including civil partner) receive, or you’re under the age of 20 and the dependant of someone receiving:

  • Income support
  • Income-based jobseeker’s allowance
  • Income-related employment and support allowance
  • Pension credit guarantee credit
  • Universal Credit

You can get £150 in supermarket vouchers if you live in Dorset

Thanks to the Household Support Fund, Dorset Council is offering eligible residents £150 worth of supermarket vouchers to help with their weekly shop.

To be eligible, you must have an annual household net income of less than £30,000 and this doesn’t include payments such as Personal Independence Payments, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance, or Child Benefit.

Applicants must also have less than £16,000 in their bank savings and must not have applied for an HSF fund in the last six months.

You can apply for the fund from 9am on the following days:

  • Tuesday 4 April 2023
  • Wednesday 3 May 2023
  • Tuesday 6 June 2023
  • Tuesday 4 July 2023
  • Wednesday 2 August 2023
  • Thursday 7 September 2023

Within six to eight weeks of a successful application, you will receive tokens which you can spend on your weekly shop.

Will you get the £1,600 pay rise today?

The national living wage is set to rise from £9.50 to £10.42 an hour today meaning millions will get a pay rise of £1.600.

The rise will see workers earn an extra £32.20 a week, which will result in an increase of £1,674.40 a year for over 2.5million Brits.

The rise was announced in Chancellor Jeremy Hunt‘s Autumn Statement, when he said: “This government introduced the national living wage which has been a giant step to eliminating low pay.

“So today I am accepting the recommendation of the Low Pay Commission to increase it next year by 9.7%.”

Water bills see highest increase in nearly 20 years

Companies normally up their water bills every year, however, this April will see the largest hike in nearly 20 years as homeowners will have to pay on average £448 a year more.

The amount of how much your water bill will rise depends on where you live, how much you’re normally charged and the rate it’s increasing by.

Some suggest installing a water meter to help you keep track of how much water you’re using and reduce where possible.

One mum mentioned how she halved her bill, saving £200 a year thanks to a water meter.

The Consumer Council for Water offers a free water meter calculator that will let you know whether it’s worth installing one or not in your building.

Some water companies also offer free water-saving devices that can take off pounds from your bills.

Contact your supplier or check out to find out what’s on offer.

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