
Columbus schools shouldn’t ask for more money with such an awful report card

Sep 12, 2023; Columbus, Ohio, USA; Columbus School Board President Jennifer Adair is backed by Columbus City School parents and mambers of the School Board as she speaks during a press conference in front of Hamilton Stem Academy. Adair was fielding questions from the Press that addressed the Columbus City School Levy that will be on the ballot this November.
  • Don’t let the education oligarchy fool you.
  • Are they spending wisely?
  • CCS has no excuse
  • Columbus schools should have to prove they deserve money

Columbus schools should have to prove they deserve money

American’s are enduring the effects of persistent inflation. The cost of everything has gone up.  Everybody is worse off for it.

Union’s represented workers across many major industries have or are currently going on strike demanding significantly higher wages and benefits.

More:UAW strike 2023 against Detroit automakers: Updates, news from the picket sites

The high cost of gasoline and diesel fuels translates into higher input costs for all products. Most of the higher wages and input costs are passed onto the consumer. Electric bills have increased.  Now, the county is raising our property taxes.

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