
Can buyback boom revive the FTSE 100?

Such has been the recent lacklustre performance of the blue-chip FTSE 100 index that its 40th birthday this week was widely noted, but scarcely celebrated.

But maybe 2024 should be the year when you start to see the Footsie as full of potential, rather than a source of disappointment?

You could take a bet on its revival and in the meantime make the most of the bumper payouts from its big names – payouts that include share buybacks.

There is increasing controversy surrounding buyback schemes, in which a company deploys spare cash to purchase back its own shares.

This reflects the bonanza in such arrangements: the 2023 global total will have easily exceeded the previous year’s $1.3 trillion record.

The US has led the way, with Alphabet, Apple, General Motors, Meta and Microsoft launching schemes, despite government disapproval and the imposition of a tax on share repurchases.

China has followed suit. Tik Tok’s owner ByteDance is among those that will be buying back its shares this year.

The UK has joined the fray, as share prices in British companies have declined or moved sideways. In 2023, the FTSE 100’s members, including BP, HSBC and Shell, made £57.4billion-worth of share buybacks, three times the average annual amount of the previous decade. This accounted for a considerable chunk of the total £137.2bn distributed in payouts, according to investment platform AJ Bell data.

Alan Dobbie, manager of the Rathbone Income fund, says: ‘Extreme negative sentiment towards UK stocks has created a situation where excess cash flows are colliding with bargain-basement valuations.

‘Many UK boards have decided that they can’t just keep looking this gift horse in the mouth.

‘In time, we expect the UK market’s anomalously low valuation to sort itself out. The question then becomes how much of its share capital can bargain-hunting UK listed companies gobble up in the meantime?’

This combination of circumstances can be lucrative for investors, with a prime example being the 20-year programme of buybacks at FTSE 100 member Next, the fashion retailer. Ian Lance, manager of the Temple Bar investment trust, says: ‘Over the past 20 years, Next’s buybacks have reduced the company’s shares in issue from 327m to 128m.

‘As a result, the earnings per share have risen from 58p to 530p, giving an annualised growth rate of nearly 12 per cent. There’s also been a 3.7 per cent annual dividend, meaning shareholders have enjoyed a 15.4 per cent a year return.’

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Under buyback schemes, investors do not receive an income, but do gain a larger stake in the company, plus the entitlement to more of the dividends, since the firm’s earnings per share are boosted.

A buyback may be a sign that directors see the shares as undervalued – which seems to be the case among the boards of FTSE 100 businesses. These managers are also unconvinced that making acquisitions would reinvigorate their companies’ share prices.

Critics, however, say that bosses have a vested interest in improving earnings per share ratios as this may be key to securing their bonuses. There is also the argument that surplus cash should be invested to improve productivity, but some like Lance question this assessment.

The buyback boom has ignited a debate, but it has highlighted the view that some see FTSE 100 and other UK-listed stocks as a very cheap compared to history.

I am retaining my UK holdings in exchange traded funds like the iShares Core FTSE 100 and trusts like Murray Income and plan to commit more. The options include trusts like City of London, Finsbury Growth & Income and Merchants, which have stakes in the FTSE 100’s constituents.

The share price of Murray Income, which holds FTSE 100 names like Diageo and RELX, is at a 7.86 per cent discount to its net asset value. The boards of trusts (which are listed companies that own shares in other companies) are trying to reduce their discounts through buybacks.

In 2023, trusts repurchased £3.57billion-worth of their shares, according to Winterflood and Morningstar data, against £2.70billion-worth in 2022. The effectiveness of this strategy is disputed since the results are not immediate, although discounts have started to narrow a little.

But it is a signal the trusts believe that their shares are – unfairly – undervalued. For me, this seems like an exciting opportunity.

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