
With The Economy Sputtering, Invest In These 2 Solid Stocks

Recession Warning Green Road Sign Over Dramatic Clouds and Sky.


To get an idea of where the economy is going, let’s look at a few leading economic indicators. There are generally 5 very good leading economic indicators – yield curve, durable goods orders, stock market, manufacturing jobs, and building permit applications/approvals. When you look at these indicators, the

30Y Yield Curve

Yield Curve (Statista)

Durable goods orders

Trading Economics

5Y Valuation

S&P 500 (Seeking Alpha)

Various job multipliers

Economic Policy institute

non-farm payroll increases

Non-farm payroll growth (Statista)

Housing permits issued in USA

Housing permits issued (United States Census Bureau)

Annual growth rate of LEI index

Conference Board

S&P 500 sector performance 2022


Revenue and NI Growth

Data by YCharts

Table sales and income growth

5Y stock return

Leonardo DRS stock price (Seeking Alpha)

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