
Meta may allow Facebook, Instagram users in EU to pay to avoid ads


Published Sep 01, 2023 17:48

Updated Sep 01, 2023 22:31

(Reuters) -Meta Platforms is considering paid versions of Facebook (NASDAQ:META) and Instagram with no advertisements for users residing in the European Union (EU) as a response to scrutiny from regulators, the New York Times reported on Friday.

Those who pay for the subscriptions would not see ads while Meta would also continue to offer free versions of the apps with ads in the EU, the report said, citing three people with knowledge of the plans.

The report added that the possible move may help Meta combat privacy concerns and other scrutiny from the EU as it would give users an alternative to the company’s ad-based services, which rely on analyzing people’s data.

Meta did not immediately respond to a Reuters request for comment.

The social media behemoth has been in the crosshairs of EU antitrust regulators and lost a fight in July against a 2019 German order that barred it from collecting users’ data without consent.

It is unclear how much the paid versions of the app would cost, the NYT report said.

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