
Jim Woods’ Successful Investing Review: The United States of China?

Jim Woods has launched a new promotional campaign for Successful Investing warning investors to protect their money from China.

All new subscriptions to Successful Investing come with a bundle of bonus gifts. These bonus gifts explain the specific steps to take to protect your money from Chinese control.

Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about Jim Woods’ Successful Investing and protecting your money from Chinese control today in our review.

What is Jim Woods’ Successful Investing?

Successful Investing is a monthly newsletter led by Jim Woods.

Successful Investing has been the flagship investment advisory from Jim Woods Investing, which publishes a range of financial newsletters.

Successful Investing uses a proprietary approach called the Fabian Plan, named after Doug and Dick Fabian, to analyze markets and time investments. The Fabian Plan determines whether the markets are flashing “buy” or “sell” signals.

Doug and Dick Fabian are the original founders of Successful Investing. They launched the newsletter 40+ years ago.

Today, Jim Woods aims to continue the four-decade-strong tradition by continuing to publish investment information online. Jim Woods is a trader with 30+ years of industry experience working as a broker, hedge fund trader, financial writer, author, and newsletter editor.

Jim built upon the Fabian Plan with his own “Crisis Wealth Multiplier,” which aims to predict market movements and help investors outperform markets.

Jim is also known for financial books like “Billion Dollar Green: Profit from the Eco Revolution” and “The Wealth Shield: How to Invest and Protect Your Money from Another Stock Market Crash, Financial Crisis, or Global Economic Collapse.”

As part of a 2024 promotion, Jim Woods and his team are bundling a package of bonus reports with all new subscriptions to Successful Investing. You can subscribe to Successful Investing today at a discount rate, then get immediate access to a bundle of bonus reports – including reports explaining how to protect your money from China.

Subscribe today and safeguard your investments!

Successful Investing Benefits

Some of the benefits of Successful Investing include:

  • ETFs and stock picks
  • Four model portfolios designed to outperform markets
  • Monthly financial newsletter and advisory service
  • Led by Jim Woods, a trader with 30+ years of experience
  • All new subscriptions come with a bundle of bonus reports
  • Backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee

How Does Successful Investing Work?

Successful Investing is a monthly financial advisory service. Each month, Jim Woods emails stock tips, market analysis, and other information to investors to help them make informed investment decisions.

Successful Investing analyzes markets based on something called the Fabian Plan. That proprietary approach, named after Doug and Dick Fabian, determines whether markets are flashing “buy” or “sell” signals, helping investors time the market.

Doug and Dick Fabian founded Successful Investing 40 years ago. Today, Jim Woods aims to continue the newsletter’s strong tradition of recommending good investments.

Here’s how Jim Woods explains his goal with Successful Investing:

“When it’s time to buy, Jim tells you which stocks and ETFs offer the best potential and least risk. When it’s time to sell, he tells you exactly when to get out.”

Jim’s goal is to help investors time markets, buying low and selling high to generate high returns on investment.

Jim also claims to be adept at predicting market crashes. He claims Successful Investing “has called just about every major market plunge.”

Don’t wait – protect your money from China now!

Why You Should Worry About China

As part of a 2024 promotion for Successful Investing, Jim Woods and his team have launched a series of reports warning about increasing Chinese influence in the United States.

Here’s how Jim Woods introduces the upcoming Chinese crisis in the country:

“America’s ultimate crisis is upon us. Welcome to…The United States of China…China’s 40-year ‘stealth plan’ to dominate and control America’s economy is near completion.”

According to Jim Woods’ analysis, China is in the midst of a multi-decade push to take over the world. China wants to displace the United States on the world stage.

It’s part of China’s “hide and bide” strategy, which was launched after the collapse of the Soviet Union. China has quietly attracted power, extended its influence worldwide, and attempted to usurp the United States as a global superpower.

China may be embarking on the final stage of that plan – and that’s why Jim Woods wants to help. By subscribing to Successful Investing today, you can discover how to protect your money from China’s upcoming attack.

Who is Jim Woods?

Jim Woods is a financial analyst, financial author, former hedge fund trader, and former broker with 30+ years of industry experience.

Jim is known for writing financial books like “Billion Dollar Green: Profit from the Eco Revolution” and “The Wealth Shield: How to Invest and Protect Your Money from Another Stock Market Crash, Financial Crisis or Global Economic Collapse.”

Today, Jim is best known for being the editor and investment director of several popular financial newsletters, including Intelligence Report, Successful Investing, Bullseye Stock Trader, High Velocity Options, and The Deep Woods.

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Jim’s work has also appeared on leading financial websites worldwide, including,, MarketWatch, Main Street Investor, and Street Authority, among others.

Jim has a BA in philosophy from the University of California, Los Angeles. He’s also a former US Army paratrooper, describing himself as a “special operations veteran who boot-strapped his way through college.” Today, Jim lives on a horse ranch in southern California.

China Wants to Crush the US Dollar

China’s ultimate goal is to crush the US Dollar, replacing the US Dollar with the Yuan as the world’s reserve currency.

It’s happened before: the world’s reserve currency was once the British pound (GBP). Great Britain was the world’s most powerful country, and most people and businesses worldwide transacted using the GBP.

Over time, however, the GBP lost its status as the world’s reserve currency. Great Britain lost power, and the United States took its place.

10 or 20 years from today, we could be telling a similar story about the United States: if China is successful, the Chinese Yuan will replace the US Dollar as the world’s reserve currency, leading to a sudden devaluation.

What Will Happen if the US Dollar Loses Reserve Status

Why is it bad for the United States to lose its status as the world’s reserve currency?

Here are some of the consequences, according to Jim Woods:

If the US Dollar is no longer the world’s reserve currency, demand for the US Dollar will plunge worldwide.

As demand drops, the value of the US Dollar falls relative to the Yuan and other major currencies.

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When the US dollar falls in value, the United States has less power to use in the world’s capital markets.

An anti-dollar panic could drive prices even lower. If people believe the US dollar will drop in value, they’ll sell it, leading to crashing values.

A severely devalued dollar could trigger hyperinflation. People will rush to sell their US Dollars in exchange for other assets – like houses and groceries. This inflation could make the 2024-2024 inflation look like child’s play.

Housing collapses, foreclosures, bankruptcies, and other incidents would rise as the US Dollar “becomes nearly worthless.” According to Jim Woods, the incident would be “The biggest financial cataclysm the US has ever seen.”

Fortunately, Jim has a solution: you can’t fight back against China, but you can protect your money. By following Jim’s step-by-step plan, you can protect your money from Chinese influence.

How the Crisis Wealth Multiplier Works

According to Jim Woods, the best way to protect your money from Chinese influence is to use the “Crisis Wealth Multiplier.

Here’s how Jim introduces the multiplier:

The Crisis Wealth Multiplier is a simple system that the wealthy have used to beat the Dow since 1977.”

Many investment experts recommend simply tracking the Dow and buying an index fund. However, tracking the Dow also puts you at risk during financial crises.

Instead of tracking the Dow or buying an index fund, Jim Woods recommends a different approach: using the Crisis Wealth Multiplier to predict market movements and time markets:

“Where would your life’s savings stand today, if you had the investing firepower to beat the Dow for the past 46 years? And all it takes is this simple red light/green light system.”

When the system flashes two green lights, you buy. When the system flashes two red lights, you sell.

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Jim Woods cites the system’s record in previous economic crashes as proof. For example, the Crisis Wealth Multiplier launched in 1977 and began monitoring the market for buy and sell signals. Since then, it has purportedly helped investors time markets and make greater gains than the Dow and other index funds:

  • In 1980, the system flashed two green lights. If you bought, you would have earned “a 40% gain in just 14 months.”
  • In 1981, the system flashed two red lights because of high-interest rates. You cash in your profits before a 27% bear market plunge.
  • In 1982, the green lights signaled a buy, giving you 45% returns in 15 months.
  • In 1985, the green lights flashed to buy a newly-launched international fund, helping investors lock in 140% gains in two years.
  • In 1987, red lights flashed on October 15, telling you to sell everything immediately. Four days later, on Black Monday, the markets crashed. If you listened to the system, you would have been safe.

Throughout the next two decades, the system purportedly predicted other major crashes. It flashed red lights when Iraq invaded Kuwait, for example. It flashed red lights on January 4, just before the Dow collapsed 54%. It even flashed red lights on February 28 at the start of the COVID crash – long before anyone knew how severe the pandemic would be.

Ultimately, Jim Woods claims he has access to a proprietary system capable of predicting market movements, helping investors buy low and sell high consistently while outperforming markets.

Jim Woods Uses Four Portfolios to Outperform Markets

Jim Woods has created four portfolios based on his Crisis Wealth Multiplier system mentioned above.

When you subscribe to Successful Investing, you get immediate access to these four portfolios and their specific holdings. Plus, the portfolios are updated at least once per week, helping you earn the same gains as Jim based on his predicted market movements.

As mentioned above, the Crisis Wealth Multiplier system aims to predict markets, buying low and selling high, to avoid crashes and outperform markets consistently.

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Jim developed four portfolios based on the Crisis Wealth Multiplier’s predictions, including:

Portfolio #1: Income Portfolio: The yields of this portfolio “currently range from 2.57% to 8.46%, according to Jim. The portfolio focuses on sectors and ETFs – not individual stocks. You earn monthly or quarterly dividends, depending on which specific income portfolio you select. This portfolio has multiple types, including a conservative and aggressive income portfolio. The primary goal with this portfolio is to earn safe income. According to Jim, the income portfolio has delivered an average gain of 15.86% since January 2024.

Portfolio #2: Growth Portfolio: The growth portfolio aims to give investors as many “safe double-digit gains as possible.” Jim states the average total return since January 2024 has been 22.08%.

Portfolio #3: Aggressive Growth Portfolio: The Aggressive Growth Portfolio aims to chase even higher returns than the growth portfolio and is designed for higher-risk investors. Jim claims this portfolio’s “average total return, including losses, was 20.12%” since January 2024.

Portfolio #4: Prime Movers Portfolio: This portfolio is the most aggressive in Jim Woods’ system. It involves straight stock picks and is the only portfolio without ETFs. According to Jim, the “average total return, including losses, was 33.92%” since January 2024.

Each of these portfolios does the hard work for you. They remove the guesswork from investing, allowing you to choose from safe to aggressive investment strategies.

By subscribing to Successful Investing today, you can discover the ETFs behind these portfolios – including the specific breakdown of these ETFs that Jim Woods recommends carrying in your portfolio based on your desired gains and aversion to risk.

Act now to stay ahead of the market trends!

What’s Included with Successful Investing?

As part of a 2024 promotion, qualifying subscriptions to Jim Woods’ Successful Investing come with a bundle of bonus reports, guides, and newsletters.

Here’s what you get when you subscribe to Successful Investing through the Platinum subscription (priced at $77) today:

  • 1-Year Subscription to Successful Investing: The core of your subscription is one full year’s worth (12 issues) of Successful Investing. Each month, Jim Woods and his team sends a new issue of Successful Investing to your email inbox. Issues feature forecasts, investing strategies, market analysis, stock picks, ETF picks, and more.
  • Access to Jim Woods’ Four Personal Portfolios: All Successful Investing subscriptions come with access to Jim Woods’ four personal investment portfolios. These portfolios are adjusted constantly. You can choose the portfolio you like based on your desired gains and aversion to risk. Jim claims his portfolios have delivered gains of 5% to 20% since January 2024. You can choose a safe income portfolio, a growth portfolio, an aggressive portfolio, or a “prime movers” portfolio. Portfolios feature ETFs, stocks, or both. You can see exactly where Jim Woods is investing – including where he recommends investing based on his Crisis Wealth Multiplier system, which can purportedly time markets and predict future crises.
  • The Successful Investing Quick Start Guide: Want a quick overview of Jim Woods’ investing strategy and how it works? Unsure how to get started? In this quick start guide, you can discover how to start making money ASAP using Jim Woods’ investment systems. You’ll discover how to find your perfect investment, how to identify the optimal buy and sell prices, and how to calculate the yield in your portfolio. Jim describes it as “the quickest and easiest shortcut to start making money now.” It’s a step-by-step guide to setting up your investment account.
  • Access to Crisis Wealth Multiplier Hotline & Alerts: The Crisis Wealth Multiplier system can purportedly predict market movements. It displays green or red lights based on upcoming market movements. If Jim notices the indicator flashing major market movements, he’ll issue an alert to subscribers. Each week, subscribers receive an update on the Crisis Wealth Multiplier’s system – including news and events that may impact your money.
  • Quarterly Conference Calls: Jim Woods hops on a conference call with subscribers each quarter. During the conference call, subscribers can ask questions – including Jim’s general thoughts on future markets and investment recommendations. Jim cannot provide personal investment advice, but subscribers can discover forecasts, market intel, and other resources typically only available to Wall Street-connected insiders.
  • VIP Private Website Access: All Successful Investing subscribers get access to a members-only portal to access their subscription and all bonus reports. Members get 24/7 access to Jim’s model portfolios, for example, and all other content included with your subscription.
  • Access to Market Research Library: Jim and his team have published dozens of reports and guides online. As a Successful Investing subscriber, you can access all these reports, conference calls, and other digital content.

Secure your wealth against Chinese influence – subscribe!

By subscribing to Successful Investing’s Platinum subscription, which is temporarily priced at a discount rate of $77 (down from the usual price of $249). In that case, you get a bundle of four additional bonuses – including bonus reports explaining how to protect your money from China-led inflation.


The four bonus reports bundled with Successful Investing Platinum subscriptions include:

  • Free Bonus Intelligence Briefing #1: The Biden Shock: The #1 Inflation Hedge to Own: This report, normally valued at $97, reveals the most important stock to own to protect against inflation. Jim describes the stock as “an amazing inflation hedge.” When inflation rises, Jim claims “this stock lifts off” because the stock “takes advantage of inflation.” The stock is linked to a company serving customers who need bargains.
  • Free Bonus Intelligence Briefing #2: The Biden Shock: The #1 Stock to Insulate Your Money: Jim believes China is deliberately preparing to collapse the US Dollar, creating hyperinflation. You can’t personally fight back against China, but you can insulate your money. In this guide, Jim describes one stock that “pays out rich dividends.” It’s an energy company deep in fossil fuel production that is “making money hand over fist.” In this report, normally priced at $97, you can discover the name and ticker symbol of the company and why Jim believes it’s worth an investment.
  • Free Bonus Intelligence Briefing #3: The Biden Shock: The #1 Strong Moat Stock to Own: In this report, Jim identifies a tech manufacturing company known for creating innovative products. That company has created a “wide moat” around itself, making it “virtually unassailable by competitors.” Because of this defense, Jim describes the company as “a powerful investment” that can help protect your money against China’s attempts to collapse the US Dollar.

Don’t miss out on these bonuses!

Successful Investing Pricing

Successful Investing is priced at $49.95 to $249, depending on which subscription you choose.

Here’s how pricing works when ordering online today:

Gold Subscription ($49.95)

  • 1 year basic, web-only subscription to Jim Woods’ Successful Investing

Diamond Elite Subscription ($149)

  • 1 year basic, web-only subscription to Jim Woods’ Successful Investing
  • Everything included in the Gold & Platinum subscription
  • Free bonus report: “Triple Your Retirement Savings in Five Years”

Platinum Subscription (Normally $249, Discounted to $77)

  • 1-year subscription to Successful Investing
  • Free Bonus Report #1: The Biden Shock: The #1 Stock to Insulate Your Money
  • Free Bonus Report #2: The Biden Shock: The #1 Inflation Hedge Stock to Ow
  • Free Bonus Report #3: The Biden Shock: The #1 Strong Moat Stock to Own
  • Free Bonus Report #4: The Successful Investing Quick Start Guide
  • Normally priced at $249, discounted to $77 through 2024 promotion

Successful Investing Refund Policy

All Jim Woods’ Successful Investing subscriptions come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. You have 30 days to request a refund on your purchase if you’re unhappy. You can keep all digital bonuses as a thanks for trying Successful Investing.

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About Jim Woods Investing

Successful Investing is the flagship newsletter from Jim Woods Investing.

Led by experienced trader Jim Woods, Jim Woods Investing publishes a series of weekly and monthly newsletters. Popular newsletters from the company include Successful Investing, Intelligence Report, Bullseye Stock Trader, Eagle Eye Opener, and High Velocity Options. Newsletters focus on different market areas – from ETFs to options trades.

Jim Woods Investing is a subsidiary of Eagle Products, LLC, one of the internet’s leading financial publishing companies.

You can contact Jim Woods Investing and the Successful Investing customer service team via the following:

  • Email: [email protected]
  • Phone: 1-800-211-4766
  • Mailing Address: Eagle Financial Publications 122 C Street NW, Suite #515, Washington, DC 20001

Customer service is available Monday to Friday from 9 am to 5:30 pm EST.

Final Word

Jim Woods and his team at Jim Woods Investing have launched a new promotion for the company’s flagship newsletter, Successful Investing.

By subscribing to Successful Investing today, you get a bundle of bonus reports in addition to your core subscription. These reports highlight the specific stocks to buy to protect your money against China-led inflation.

As part of the 2024 promotion, Successful Investing’s Platinum subscription, normally priced at $249, is temporarily priced at just $77.

Ready to outsmart the market? Subscribe now!


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