
Investing in skills: EU funded scheme for training of workers

Servizzi Ewropej f'Malta
Photo : Investing In Skills: EU Funded Scheme for Training of Workers

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In today’s fast-changing world, characterised by rapid technological advancements and dynamic economic shifts, prioritising the development of people’s skills and knowledge, is essential.

The ‘Investing in Skills’ scheme, co-financed by the European Social Fund+, the Maltese Government, and employers, plays a pivotal role in this endeavour. The Scheme forms a key part of Malta’s 2021-2027 Operational Programme, aimed at fostering socioeconomic wellbeing through strategic investments in human capital.

 As Malta navigates through the challenges of a rapidly evolving global landscape, investments in human capital emerge as a crucial driver for sustainable progress and prosperity. Recognising this need, the EU has allocated significant funds to support skills development initiatives across its Member States.

In Malta, the ‘Investing in Skills’ scheme has been a crucial tool to empower individuals and enhance the nation’s competitive edge.

The scheme emphasizes the upskilling or reskilling of employed adults, acknowledging the importance of empowering individuals to navigate career transitions and remain resilient in an evolving job landscape. By leveraging the expertise of trainers within their organisations, employers, except Local Councils, Public Entities and Government Departments, can equip their employees with new skills, enhancing their adaptability and productivity.

When employers invest in advanced digital skills, general employability skills, green skills, job-search skills, and career management skills, they can unlock their full potential and forge a path towards sustainable economic growth and prosperity, with a more dynamic and resilient workforce, whilst ensuring that their workforce remains adaptable and competitive on a global scale.

Through the Scheme, employers are the primary beneficiaries of subsidies on training costs, wage costs and air travel during the training period and are responsible for the implementation of the training within their organisations. Ultimately, the beneficiaries are the workers themselves.

The ‘Investing in Skills Scheme’, inaugurated in September 2023, operates on a demand-driven basis, providing grants on a first-come, first-served basis. Interested parties are invited to visit JobsPlus website. During the last programming period 2014-2020, more than 4,000 training initiatives, including accredited training between MQF Levels 1-5 and non-accredited training, benefitted from the Scheme.  

By participating in training programmes tailored to their roles and career aspirations, employees stand to gain enhanced skills and knowledge, positioning them for greater success in the labour market. As the call remains open, organisations are urged to seize this opportunity, collaboratively shaping a future where every individual is empowered to realise their full potential through lifelong-learning and skill enhancement.

For assistance in kickstarting your journey towards a skilled and empowered workforce, contact Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta on [email protected] or 2779 7300.

content supplied by Servizzi Ewropej f’Malta (SEM)

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