
BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust : Half yearly financial report – 28 February 2023


BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc

Half Yearly Financial Report 28 February 2023


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Financial highlights


Ordinary share price



NAV per ordinary share



Net assets


Interim dividend


1.3%3, 4


The above financial highlights are at 28 February 2023 and percentage comparisons are against 31 August 2022.

  • Performance figures are calculated in Sterling terms with dividends reinvested. ³ Alternative Performance Measures; see Glossary on pages 32 to 35.

4 Based on dividends paid and declared for the twelve months to 28 February 2023 and share price as at 28 February 2023.

Section 1: Overview and performance 1


Why BlackRock

Greater Europe Investment Trust plc?

Investment objective

The Company’s objective is the achievement of capital growth, primarily through investment in a focused portfolio constructed from a combination of the securities of large, mid and small capitalisation European companies, together with some investment in the developing markets of Europe.

The Company has the flexibility to invest in any country included in the FTSE World Europe ex UK Index, as well as the freedom to invest in developing countries not included in the index but considered by the Manager and the Directors as part of greater Europe.

Reasons to invest


A concentrated portfolio focusing on the best ideas existing within the European Equity Market. Not constrained by market cap, sub-sector or region, the Portfolio Manager

can invest across the breadth of the European market, comprising a portfolio of the best 30-45 investment ideas.

Long-term focus

Looking through the daily noise which impacts the market for the best long- term opportunities. We wish to be an investor in companies, not a trader of shares. We look to align ourselves with the best management teams in the region which we believe have the ability to create value for shareholders over the long term.

Risk aware

The portfolio is concentrated but highly risk aware. The Portfolio Manager aims to ensure risk and returns are diversified by end market exposures. He works closely with partners in

the BlackRock Risk and Quantitative Analysis team to ensure that portfolio risk is deliberate, diversified and scaled.


The Company benefits from the

20-strong European Equity team within BlackRock’s Fundamental Equity division.

High quality

The Company is designed for investors looking to invest in a selection of Europe’s highest quality, fastest- growing companies, irrespective of their size and geography.

A member of the Association of Investment Companies

Further details about the Company, including the latest annual and half yearly financial reports, factsheets and stock exchange announcements, are available on the website at

2 BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plcl Half Yearly Financial Report 28 February 2023



Section 1: Overview and performance

Financial highlights


Why BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc?


Performance record


Chairman’s Statement


Investment Manager’s Report


Section 2: Portfolio

Ten largest investments


Portfolio analysis




Section 3: Governance

Interim Management Report and Responsibility Statement


Section 4: Financial statements

Income Statement


Statement of Changes in Equity


Balance Sheet


Statement of Cash Flows


Notes to the Financial Statements


Section 5: Additional information

Management and other service providers




Shareholder information




Section 1: Overview and performance 3

This is an excerpt of the original content. To continue reading it, access the original document here.


BlackRock Greater Europe Investment Trust plc published this content on 25 May 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 25 May 2023 17:51:12 UTC.

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