
YFC Christmas tree collection raises funds for ‘Kick Out Rexi’

Maise Bulmer, from the YFC, said: “As a club we were thinking of ideas and ways on how we could support a club member and their family who are going through a difficult time.

“So we came up with the idea of a Charity Christmas Tree Collection in the Kirkbymoorside and Pickering area. After a bit of research in the local community, we soon realised, it was a service as a club we could easily provide and many households were willing to support.

“One of our members had use for the trees, and was able to recycle them and use on their farm. On January 8, Kirkbymoorside YFC members headed out and managed to gather up 75 trees and a few extra donations along the way raising £385.75 for Kick Rexi Out. The cheque was presented to the Foster family at our club’s ploughing match on February 19.”

Parents Donna and Paul Foster set up Kick Rexi Out after one of their daughters was diagnosed with anorexia last year.

Donna said: “ We knew nothing of this illness, but boy it ripped through our family at speed.
“The anorexia in our house became known as “Rexi”. She was like another person taking over our daughter’s thoughts and actions.
“Rexi is vile and very nasty and made our daughter extremely poorly. “Unfortunately our daughter was admitted into a specialist unit over 2.5hours away from home.
“Having our daughter admitted was the last resort, but it saved her life.”
The family, who live in Wombleton, want to offer support to others with the aim of setting up a charity to provide both emotional and financial help.
Donna said they had their first professionals meeting shortly.

“We received two grants also which has been a massive help and given us the encouragement that we are needed.

“Stronger communities and Carers Plus Yorkshire are supporting us amazingly.

“We are holding regular meet ups soon to start in March. We will rotate around the Ryedale area so it’s accessible for everyone who needs us. These meet ups are for anyone who is caring for a child with an eating disorder. They may be struggling and need just someone to talk to who is living the same experience. People who have lived this experience are also welcome. It’s a very informal meet up over coffee and get to know people who find themselves in awful situations too.”

l If you live in the Ryedale area and would like some support email [email protected], WhatsApp us or message via the group’s Facebook page.

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