
Ward funds allow Inshes Library’s first mini-bookfest to add writer events

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Two author events will Inshes Library ‘s first Mini Book Festival for Book Week Scotland hosted by The Scottish Book Trust.

Shona MacLean will guest at Inshes Library.
Shona MacLean will guest at Inshes Library.

The week-long programme of events will run from Monday, November 13 to Sunday, November 19.

Local writer Shona MacLean will be talking about her popular historical crime novel The Bookseller Of Inverness.

And Ayrshire-based writer Alan Dapré will lead a storytelling session about his latest picture book Grizzly Ben.”

Meg Davidson, High Life Highland’s network librarian, said: “Shona MacLean will be talking about her popular historical crime novel on Thursday November, 16.

“Without a doubt, The Bookseller Of Inverness has been one of the most frequently requested books in the library this year!

“It is a fascinating read about familiar places in a different time, and of course it has a thrilling plot – so it will be interesting to hear Shona’s story directly from the source.”

Meg added: “On Saturday, November 18, catering more towards young families, Alan Dapré will lead a storytelling session about his latest picture book illustrated by Alex Ayliffe,

“Alan has written for TV and radio, as well as publishing many children’s books. His work includes writing for the much-loved TV series Brum and the hilarious Porridge The Tartan Cat book series.

“During Alan’s storytelling session, you can expect there to be: fun facts, props, a furry coat – and maybe some roaring and drawing!”

The author visits have been made possible through funding from the Highland Council Ward Discretionary fund. And it has also meant Inshes Library could buy copies of the authors’ books, so library users can get their hands on a copy before the event.

Meg continued: “High Life Highland is incredibly grateful for the funding which has allowed these wonderful sessions to take place.

“Bringing local communities together in libraries for free events, such as these renowned author visits, plays a vital part in encouraging a love of learning and reading in children.”

Book Week Scotland.
Book Week Scotland.

Steve Walsh, High Life Highland chief executive, concluded: “High Life Highland staff have put a tremendous amount of work into ensuring the Book Week Scotland programme of events at Inshes Library this year caters for a number of audiences and interests.

“Fundamentally, High Life Highland’s network of libraries aims to create spaces and host events which raise attainment, equality, and promote greater social inclusion across all ages.”

Throughout Book Week Scotland entry to all events at Inshes Library are free.

But tickets should be booked in advance by contacting the library – in person, by calling 01463 725928, or by emailing [email protected]

Details of more activities happening that week will be listed on Inshes Library Facebook page:

More information about the library, including contact information and regular events taking place outside Book Week Scotland, can be found on High Life Highland’s dedicated page:

Book Week Scotland is an annual celebration of books and reading that takes place across the country is supported by

Creative Scotland and SLIC:

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