
UN chief welcomes EU funding for UN agency for Palestine refugees-Xinhua

People wait to receive cooked food at a refugee camp in northern Gaza Strip, Feb. 27, 2024. (Photo by Mohammed Ali/Xinhua)

UNRWA has been in a dire situation after Western donors suspended funding following Israeli allegations that 12 UNRWA employees in Gaza were involved in the Oct. 7 attacks in southern Israel.

UNITED NATIONS, March 1 (Xinhua) — UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres welcomes Friday’s decision by the European Commission to imminently release 50 million euros (54 million U.S. dollars) to the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), said his spokesman.

The decision comes at a critical time. And the United Nations believes that this is part of the 82-million-euro (89-million-dollar) aid from the European Commission to be implemented through UNRWA this year, said Stephane Dujarric, the chief spokesman for Guterres.

The UN secretary-general very much hopes that other donors will follow suit and support UNRWA, said Dujarric.

UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini also welcomed the European Commission’s decision and said that the funds will support UNRWA’s efforts to maintain life-saving and essential services for Palestine refugees across the region.

UNRWA has been in a dire situation after Western donors suspended funding following Israeli allegations that 12 UNRWA employees in Gaza were involved in the Oct. 7 attacks in southern Israel.

UNRWA, established by the UN General Assembly, is funded almost entirely by voluntary contributions from UN member states.

The agency provides assistance and protection to some 5.9 million Palestine refugees in Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. 

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