
Taxpayer funds Phd in ‘how gardens can cultivate queer anti-racist communities’

Matt Goodwin, an author and professor of politics, said: “This is what happens when universities lean strongly to the Left.

“For every eight professors who identify on the centre or radical Left, there’s now only one conservative professor. So we have a very strong ideological imbalance on campus and that’s reflected in the research that is being funded partly by the taxpayer.

“What we need to do is to get back to genuine ideological diversity on campus, and have a much greater range of both academics and students joining higher education, so we can begin to fix this glaring imbalance.”

Rupert Lowe, Reform UK business spokesman, said: “Taxpayer money needs to be treated with far more respect. We’re all paying more and more tax, and an increasing amount of it is wasted on tripe like this. 

“When the country is literally crumbling apart, this is a spit in the face of decent men and women working hard and paying their taxes. Any civil servant pushing this nonsense should be out of a job by the end of the month – let’s start setting some standards when it comes to public money.”

‘Hard-working taxpayers’

Jane Stevenson, the Conservative MP for Wolverhampton North East, said: “I’m a proud grammar school girl who does value learning for learning’s sake. 

“I want to back research and academia, but I would have trouble convincing the hard-working taxpayers of Wolverhampton North East that money taken from their wages to fund these projects is being well-spent.”

A UKRI spokesperson said: “UKRI invests in a diverse research and innovation portfolio. This includes awarding block grants to higher education institutions to support PhD studentships. 

“The institutions make decisions and allocate the funding to specific studentship proposals, following an application process.”

Techne was approached for comment.

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