Surrey County Council has been allocated a further £10.6m funding to continue to support the county’s most vulnerable households.
The funding comes from the Government’s Household Support Fund as part of a new grant running until March 2024.
Funding has been allocated via the Department of Work and Pensions to help those families who are struggling financially in Surrey, with financial assistance available for food, fuel, water and other essentials. The funds will be distributed via a range of methods and delivery partners to ensure it reaches as many people in need as possible.
A significant portion will go as food vouchers to children on Free School Meals during holiday periods, via borough and district councils and key charities and foodbanks as well as topping up Surrey’s Crisis Fund.
The 10.6m will be staggered across the year, with half the fund being distributed now and the other half in October. The first half of the funding is now with distributing partners and is ready for communities to access.
Surrey County Council Deputy Leader and Cabinet Member for Communities and Community Safety Denise Turner-Stewart said: “It’s great news that Surrey County Council has received further funding from the Household Support Fund.
“Our top priority is to ensure no one in Surrey is left behind, and this funding will play a vital role in providing support to our most vulnerable residents.
“I’d like to thank our distributing partners for their help in ensuring the funding reaches those who need it most and together we’ll continue to do all we can to support them.”
For more information on the Household Support Fund and distributing partners please visit: https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/health-and-welfare/support/financial-support/household
For more information on financial support available in Surrey please visit: https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/health-and-welfare/support/financial-support