
Seed sows funds for communal future

A leading charity providing adult and family Jewish education launches its 2023 Match Fund Campaign on Sunday.

The 36-hour campaign for Seed, which is aiming to raise £1,000,000 to keep Jewish families connected to their heritage, kicks off with an abseil challenge simultaneously in London and Manchester.

In London, abseilers will go down Beaufort House, a 50m high building near Aldgate station and in Manchester the daredevils will go down the Old Palazzo tower.

Pic: Seed

Rabbi Malcolm Herman, CEO of Seed says: “We live in an age full of distractions and many families drift away from their heritage. We’ve observed a shift in priorities in the way people chose to live and spend their valuable family time. Our mission at Seed is to teach a Judaism that is relevant, vibrant and engaging but also supports our community and educates them about the values of a Jewish life and home.”

With over 14,000 face to face educational encounters having taken place this academic year, Seed is at the forefront of Jewish education for young families in the UK. It offers a programme of formal and informal learning experiences to suit all ages, from Seed Shul, to learning to read Hebrew, travelling to Israel, attend parenting workshops or bat/bar Mitzvah classes, online or in person.

Every donation during the 2023 Seed MatchFund Campaign will be matched by generous donors. To sign up to become an ambassador click here.

To donate and for more information, please go to www.charityextra/seed

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