
Public appointment opportunity: Appointment of members to the Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities Advisory Committee

The Department for Communities has launched a competition to appoint three new Members to the Charities Advisory Committee. The closing date for applications is 12 noon on Monday 4 December 2023.

Advertisement to appoint members to the Northern Ireland central investment fund for charities advisory committee

The Committee plays a vital role in assisting the Department in its role as Trustee of the Northern Ireland Central Investment Fund for Charities (the Fund). The Fund impacts on a wide range of charities, allowing them to invest funds with the benefit of expert supervision. It is currently valued at over £55 million.

Those appointed will have direct influence on the investment strategy of the Fund and as such it is a unique opportunity for individuals to contribute to the charities sector, whilst developing their own skills and experience.

Applications are welcome from those who have an interest in public service, and have the required experience, knowledge and enthusiasm.

Further information on the competition, including an application pack, can be obtained online or by e-mailing or telephoning 028 9081 9417. Section 5 of the Candidate Information Booklet provides further detail if you work in the public sector.

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