
Passive funds dominate Morningstar’s managed portfolios landscape

Eight of the top 10 most-held funds in managed portfolios are passive, new data from Morningstar has shown.

As well as showing data for the most-held funds in managed portfolios, it also reveals the top performance for one, three and five-year returns.

The updated dataset contains an additional 140 portfolios, across both new and existing providers.

Abrdn, Barras Capital, M&G, and Meon are the latest to join, while two more providers are in the process of onboarding.

Morningstar analyst Tom Mills said: “Only two active funds are in the top 10 most-held funds in managed portfolios, which is perhaps intuitive given that just over half of the managed portfolios are described by their providers as either passive or ‘blended’ (a mix of active and passive) in their holdings.”

The two active funds in the top 10 are the Royal London Short Term Money Market Fund and the Rathbone Ethical Bond Fund.

Mills added: “ETFs with socially responsible investment or environmental, social, and governance policies again prominently feature in the list of the 10 most-held ETFs.

“Although ETPs tracking gold have previously appeared, the most commonly held ETFs here are focused on equities and bonds.

“Reviewing five-year returns to the end of April 2024, there is no clear winner between active, passive and blended approaches, which are all well-represented across the Morningstar categories.

“As more than three-quarters of managed portfolios in the database are considered large blend in their equity style, it’s not surprising to see this style the most common among top-performing portfolios.”

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