
MP encourages UK Levelling Up funding bid for A947 upgrades

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Banff and Buchan MP David Duguid has encouraged Aberdeenshire Council to bid for the third round of UK Levelling Up funding for upgrading a north-east road once dubbed one of the most dangerous in Britain.

The A947 has a chequered history of road accidents.
The A947 has a chequered history of road accidents.

In the House of Commons, he spoke of how the A947 between Banff and Aberdeen would greatly benefit from the UK Government fund, which will provide a further £1bn to local communities.

Earlier this year, ambitious plans to create a new cultural quarter in Peterhead and a revamp of Macduff Aquarium received £20 million from the second round of UK Levelling Up funding.

Mr Duguid has been calling for greater safety improvements to be made on the A947 following several serious crashes on the road recent months, including a tanker which overturned and burst into flames near King Edward School, Banff, in February.

A month earlier, five people were taken to hospital after a collision at the Montbletton junction near Banff.

A total of 30 people suffered injuries on the 38-mile-long stretch of carriageway while three people died between 2020 and the end of last year.

In the Commons, Mr Duguid asked Levelling Up Secretary Michael Gove, who is from the north-east: “Can I also ask the secretary of state to join me in congratulating the towns of Peterhead and Macduff in Banff and Buchan on the success of their Levelling Up bid.

“Can he also confirm the success of that bid does not necessarily disqualify future bids, particularly if they are of a strategic transport nature, such as the safety improvements needed on the A947 which, being from the area, he will be familiar with.

“It’s a road which travels through not just my constituency but multiple constituencies in the Aberdeenshire Council area.”

In his response, Mr Gove said: “Can I congratulate Aberdeenshire Council on its success on levelling up fund round two.

“He (Mr Duguid) is absolutely right. Success in that round does not preclude further investment.”

Mr Duguid later said: “I will absolutely stand ready in assisting Aberdeenshire Council in seeking funding for upgrading the A947 which in its current state is unfit for purpose and presents a danger for road users – particularly during commuting periods.

“It is little wonder it was previously described as one of the most dangerous roads in Britain but I believe money from the Levelling Up Fund could change this and I urge the council to apply for the third application round.

“I know the council has been looking at making improvements to this vital route but, as Scottish Government funding has reduced for local authorities such as Aberdeenshire, maintenance and improvements on roads like the A947 risk being pushed further and further back.

“It’s vital that specific safety improvements are made, particularly to a number of dangerous junctions and corners on the route, to prevent more devastating tragedies from occurring.”

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