
Midland Ukrainian families request community funds to open restaurant

After moving across the world and finding a safe place to settle, two Ukrainian families are taking steps to become invested in the Midland community. 

Sergey and Christina Pokanevich, and Natalia Iakovleva and Maga Miiakiev are raising funds from the community to open a traditional Ukrainian restaurant in Midland. 

The two couples will be using years of experience in restaurants and coffee shops to provide a family-friendly experience with good food and quality service. 

Sergey and Christina owned three restaurants in the city of Odesa, while Natalia and Maga ran a smoothie bar and coffee shops in Crimea.

After the start of the war, both families decided to leave behind their homes, businesses and memories to secure the safety and future of their children. This decision led to these Ukrainian families meeting each other in Midland earlier this year. 

Natalia and Maga moved to Midland in December while the Pokanevichs were originally sponsored in Caro. Ultimately, they moved to Midland in February when Sergey got a job at the Great Hall. 

“Midland is the best place to be,” Christina said. 

The families especially appreciate the safety they feel here and said that Midland has excellent schools for their children, who attend Adams and Plymouth elementary schools.

“For all kids, moving from school to school is a challenge,” Maga said. “But to move from school to school in different countries is an extra challenge. All of their friends from Ukraine are moving all over the world.”

The families met when Natalia reached out to Christina through social media. Natalia said they make a great team and that they’re lucky to have each other. 

“We are lucky, period,” Maga said. “It’s a blessing to be here.”

European style restaurant

The families decided after meeting in Midland to combine their experiences and knowledge and open a restaurant with the dishes of their homeland. They aim to provide employment opportunities while creating an establishment that becomes a hub for creativity, laughter and a shared appreciation of good food.

Natalia said the restaurant would be European-style, meaning it serves coffee, baked goods and breakfast in the morning before serving meals and opening the bar throughout the afternoon and the evening. 

“It will have good food, a good bar, quality coffee and the highest level of service,” Sergey said.

Christina said the restaurant will be family-friendly and they will encourage parents to bring their children and enjoy time together.

“The biggest value that we learned here is family time and family life,” she said. “After everything we went through, that is the biggest value for us.”

The families also said the restaurant will not be “Americanized.” It will serve traditional Ukrainian dishes in the same portion sizes that would typically be served in Europe and at affordable prices.

Natalia said the food is beautiful and often features bright colors. She encourages Midlanders to visit Sergey’s Youtube channel to see the food and how it’s made.

How to donate

The families are seeking funds from the community to make this dream come true. The four already have a business plan and community interest, but need investments, sponsors and/or donations to buy a building and get the business started.

“Just as the people in Midland have shared lives with us, we want to share our lives and our experience and our knowledge with Midland,” Natalia said.

The families said the best way to donate is through Global Compassion, Inc. This organization has put $20,000 towards the needs of these families after hosting a Ukrainian fundraiser dinner on March 4. It has also sent $8,000 to help their families and neighbors in Odesa.


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