
Lenawee County commission divided over Lenawee Now funding

ADRIAN — Lenawee County has yet to receive the results of a forensic audit of Lenawee Now’s financials, but that hasn’t stopped some on the county commission in trying to get its funding approved. 

In a special night meeting Thursday, commissioner Dustin Krasny, R-Cambridge Township, made a motion to approve a $150,000 yearly allocation to the economic development corporation. 

Lenawee County Commissioner Dustin Krasny, R-Cambridge Twp.

The commission had just unanimously approved paying for an audit at an amount not to exceed $20,000 at its personnel ways and means committee meeting last month, but not without heated debate. 

At Thursday’s meeting, commissioner Dawn Bales, R-Madison Township, took issue with Krasny calling her on the phone the previous morning and pushing her to vote in favor of providing the funding to Lenawee Now prior to the audit.  

Lenawee County Commissioner Dawn Bales, R-Madison Township

Bales said that Krasny several times during the conversation brought up her relationship with Premier Bank, which is a Lenawee Now investor. The bank’s CEO also sits on the Lenawee Now Board of Directors. Bales is a vice president and community banking center manager for Premier Bank, which has offices in Adrian and Tecumseh.     

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