
Keighley-area projects share in funds seized from criminals

More than 70 organisations and projects have benefited in the latest round of grants from the Safer Communities Fund.

Together, they received over £500,000.

The fund, run by West Yorkshire mayor Tracy Brabin, distributes to community good causes money recovered by the police and prosecutors from criminal activities.

The latest round of donations was the biggest yet as part of the initiative, which under the mayor’s ‘stewardship’ has now given away over £1 million.

Ms Brabin said: “We want every community in West Yorkshire to thrive and be safe.

“To do so, we are empowering local organisations to help their neighbourhoods through money taken from the hands of criminals.

“These projects are making their local areas feel safer.”

Theme of the latest grant round was Safer Places and Thriving Communities.

West Yorkshire Police chief constable, John Robins, welcomed the distribution of funds.

“It means that the seized proceeds of criminality can be put to good use by deserving community groups,” he added.

“Projects like these play a vital role in preventing crime, protecting vulnerable people and reassuring our communities.

“I am pleased that the successful disruption of criminal behaviour by our officers means the ill-gotten gains can now be reinvested into community projects.

“The schemes supported are inspirational.”

Beneficiaries locally include the Oakworth Youth Project, which was awarded £4,700.

The venture, which includes Bradford Council and the police, provides a safe and warm space for young people.

A spokesperson said: “The funding will allow for 20 sessions, including activities designed in conjunction with the young people, giving them ownership and empowerment.

“The planned sessions will include activities such as cooking, to enable the young people to prepare and cook inexpensive and nutritious meals with take-home recipes.

“Sessions will also work on creating and developing ideas for summer activities, leading to sports and activity camps using local outdoor recreation spaces, and work to support young people with the transition between primary and secondary schools.”

And the Good Shepherd Centre has received £8,000 for a Safer Neighbour Hub.

A spokesperson said: “The hub will provide a safe place to meet, report hate crimes and receive practical support for some of the most vulnerable members of the community – particularly asylum seekers, refugees and hard-to-reach families. There will also be weekly drop-in sessions raising awareness, and outreach work, community-based interventions and workshops.”

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