
Isolated In The EU and Soon To See EU Funds Cut Hungary Try To Astonishingly Harm Europe and Ukraine Again – Boxing News and Views

Isolated In The EU and Soon To See EU Funds Cut Hungary Try To Astonishingly Harm Europe and Ukraine Again

Hungary are on a one way ticket soon to leaving the EU.

That’s for sure. Again they are trying to destabilize Europe and Ukraine as Russia allies at this point:

As China continue to see cut off in Europe and elsewhere, more pressure on Chinese business illegally in Budapest must be cut ties with in the EU.

Chinese banks in central Europe in particular.

There are a few things that the EU can do to take action against Hungary during the war.

  • The EU can impose sanctions on Hungary. This would make it difficult for Hungary to trade with other countries and would deter other countries from doing business with Hungary.
  • The EU can withdraw funding from Hungary. This would reduce the amount of money that Hungary receives from the EU and would make it more difficult for Hungary to finance its government.
  • The EU can expel Hungary from the EU. This would be a very drastic measure, but it is possible if Hungary continues to violate EU rules and values.

The EU has already taken some action against Hungary, but it is likely to take further action in the future. The EU is committed to supporting Ukraine and to punishing countries that support Russia.

  • The EU can seize assets belonging to Chinese and Russian businesses operating in Hungary. This could involve freezing bank accounts, confiscating property, or blocking shipments of goods.
  • The EU can blacklist Chinese and Russian businesses operating in Hungary. This would make it difficult for these businesses to operate and would deter other businesses from doing business with them.
  • The EU can impose tariffs on Chinese and Russian goods imported into Hungary. This would make it more expensive for Chinese and Russian companies to sell their goods in Hungary and would boost the competitiveness of European companies.
  • The EU can impose a boycott on Chinese and Russian goods and services. This would reduce the amount of money that goes to China and Russia and would make it more difficult for these countries to finance their economies.
  • The EU can launch a trade war against China and Russia. This would involve imposing tariffs and other trade restrictions on a wide range of Chinese and Russian goods and services. This would be a very aggressive move, but it is possible if the EU feels that it is necessary to protect its interests.

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