Many EU funds can provide resources for projects related to the integration of migrants across the EU.
In general, EU funding can be accessed through two main channels:
- Part of the funds are made available centrally through the European Commission(EC). In most cases, these funds can be used only to put in place transnational projects on integration, involving partners from different EU countries
- Other EU funds are made available through different national or regional bodies in each EU country. These funds mainly support the implementation of national projects. The projects are part of national programmes or operational programmes, which are prepared by EU countries on the basis of national needs and objectives and priorities set out at EU level and approved by the European Commission.
For some funds, such as the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund (AMIF) or Erasmus +, it is possible to get funding both directly from the European Commission and from national authorities, depending of the nature of the project. In addition, funds managed only at national level, such as the European Social Fund (ESF), may, in some cases, also be available to transnational projects. For detailed information on how integration-related EU funding works, explore this toolkit.
You can find on the European Web Site on Integration (EWSI) all integration-related funding opportunities, whether available on EU level, national level, or both. At national level, EWSI also present various private and public opportunities. Click on the images below to explore the different types of funds in details and see all open calls for proposals.