A red carpet fundraising evening has raised £4,000 towards the £1.3m needed to repair structural damage at St Peter and All Soul’s church in Peterborough.
Representatives of the Diocese of East Anglia, parish priests and parishioners enjoyed a gala dinner and dance at the West Thorpe Wood Holiday Inn hotel in Peterborough on July 1 to raise funds to repair church buildings which have suffered structural damage.
Fundraising coordinator, Charles Benjamin, said: “The evening attracted the presence of and full participation of the different communities constituting the parish in a colourful evening of food and dance.
“The highlight of the musical entertainment was the playing of cellos by two parishioners, Charlotte McAuliffe and eight-year-old Allegra Benjamin, (pictured above). The Filipino community performed Tinikling Bamboo Dance. We also had a live band, the Watson & Bright Trio and a DJ.
As well as enjoying a three-course meal and drinks, participants were thrilled, entertained and exposed to history and spirituality raising £4,000,” said Benjamin.
“The actual sum needed to accomplish the repair of the structural damage is £1.3m. The repairs are imperative because of the historic significance of the parish to Peterborough and the great services it renders to the city.”
You can see a video picture gallery of the evening here: https://www.stpetersallsouls.com/fundraising-events