
Funding Opportunity: Julia Taft Refugee Fund for FY 2024


U.S. Embassy Bamako

Notice of Funding Opportunity

This notice is subject to the availability of funding

 Funding Opportunity Title: Julia Taft Refugee Fund for FY 2024

Date Open: 07-FEB-2024

Date Closed: 06-MAR-2024 – Deadline for Applications

Assistance Listing Number (CFDA): 19.517

– Overseas Refugee Assistance Programs for Africa

Funding Instrument: Grant

Award Amount: Up to $25,000

Program Performance Period: October 2024 to September 2025

 Background and funding opportunity description

U.S. Embassy Bamako in collaboration with the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) is pleased to welcome proposals via the Julia Taft Refugee Fund from potential partners working to assist refugees in Mali.  This support is meant to meet low-cost gaps in refugee protection and assistance.  Similarly, the intent of this initiative is to provide U.S. Ambassadors with the means to respond to critical gaps that have not been addressed in larger multilateral refugee programs.

Note: This funding opportunity targets refugees, asylum-seekers, or refugee returnees; it does not support proposals aimed at internally displaced persons (IDPs).  Refugees, asylum seekers, and/or refugee returnees must comprise at least 50 percent of project participants.

Eligibility criteria and funding guidelines for the Taft Refugee Fund

  • The funds are meant to support projects that assist refugees or refugee returnees.
  • The fund is not meant as an emergency fund.
  • Applicants must be a registered national or local non-governmental organization (NGO).

 Application package

Applications that do not include ALL of the components below will automatically be rejected.

  1. Proposal (see Annex, below, for required proposal format)
  2. Detailed project timeline/calendar
  3. Detailed budget
  4. CV/Resume of project manager and other key project personnel
  5. At least one reference/recommendation letter from other donors or stakeholders
  6. Proof of national registration of the organization
  7. Copy of bank statement or other proof of existing bank account of the organization
  8. Completed and signed federal forms: SF424, SF424A and SF424B (these forms can be found here: Alternatively, applicants can request them at [email protected])
  9. gov registration

 Required Registrations:

  • All organizations must have a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI) number issued via as well as a valid registration on prior to receipt of the award. Please see Section D.3 for more information.
  • Applicants are only allowed to submit one proposal per organization. If more than one proposal is submitted from an organization, all proposals from that institution will be considered ineligible for funding. If you submitted an unsolicited application prior to the publication of this Notice of Funding Opportunity, you must re-submit your application to be considered for funding.

 All applications should be in English.  However, applicants may provide an additional copy in French if desired.

 Review and Selection Process

A selection committee at U.S. Embassy Bamako, Mali, will review all applications received under this announcement based on the following criteria:

  • Capacity of the organization – the organization has experience in implementing activities related to vulnerable groups, is focused on economic and social development, and demonstrates the ability to implement the activities proposed;
  • Sustainability Plan – the proposal demonstrates a clear sustainability plan beyond the life of the award;
  • Cost Application – the proposed costs are reasonable in relation to the proposed activities and anticipated results;
  • Monitoring and Evaluation – the applicant should provide a clear monitoring and evaluation plan that includes specific, measurable, and achievable indicators.

Once the review process is completed, U.S. Embassy Bamako will notify successful applicant as well as unsuccessful applicants.  Prospective grantees will receive further instructions along with the notification of successful proposal.  Once awarded, each grantee will be responsible for the program and financial reporting as specified in the award agreement.

Below are just a few examples of activities that can be funded under this program (Please make sure that there is a strong tie to the local context, building on the competencies / capacity of the proposing organization):

  • Improve the mental health of the refugee community.
  • Build a playground for refugee children.
  • Support an education program for refugees.
  • Develop a youth program for refugees.
  • Support livelihoods training and sports programs.
  • Support a transit center for unaccompanied minor refugees and asylum seekers.
  • Support early childhood education, health, and nutrition activities.
  • Support water, sanitation, health care.
  • Provide protection for vulnerable refugees.
  • Provide a shelter for women and girls refugees who are survivors of gender-based violence (GBV).
  • Support a vocational training program for refugees.
  • Provide agricultural support to returnee families.
  • Any other activities that support refugees or returnees.

In order to be considered for this funding opportunity, please submit your applications NO LATER THAN 03/02/2024 by email  [email protected].

Please reach out to the same address should you need any additional information.

 This notice is subject to the availability of funding


Proposal Format (10 pages maximum)

The proposal should contain sufficient information that anyone not familiar with it would understand exactly what the applicant wants to do.

 Problem statement

Give a brief description of the primary problem that your application wishes to address.


The objectives should correspond directly to the problem stated in your Problem Statement and should be concise. Objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound.


Provide a broad statement of your approach to solving the problem.


Describe the major activities that will be carried out to reach the grant objectives.

Sustainability Plan

Provide a brief outline stating how the organization proposes to sustain its activities beyond the completion and end of the grant.

Implementation Plan

Provide concise timeframes and sequencing for the implementation of each activity.

Monitoring and Evaluation Plan

Provide indicators and target number of beneficiaries you plan to achieve. Describe how outputs and outcomes will be measured.

Institutional Capacity Statement

Describe your organization’s capabilities and qualifications for implementing the grant. Present evidence to prove how and why your organization is likely to succeed in implementing the grant.

Detailed Budget

The cost/budget application should be provided as a separate document. Total budget should not exceed $25,000.  This should detail all direct costs associated with the implementation of grant activities in USD.

Budget Justification Narrative:

After filling out the SF-424A Budget (above), use a separate sheet of paper to describe each of the budget expenses in detail.  Please provide a description of the costs included in the budget and how each expenditure or procurement contributes to project results.

Please provide if available:

– Organizational Chart

– CV/Résumé of Key Personnel

– Copy of Proof of Registration

– Other attachments as deemed relevant


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