
EU NGO Funding for the West Bank and Gaza in 2022 » ngomonitor

<p>Project: ENTRECOMP4YOUTH – Improve the Resilience of Jordanian and Palestinian Youth By Implementing the Entrecomp Framework in Youth Work Organisations</p><p>Amount: Sharek is receiving €54,454 out of the €288,000 granted to all of the partners</p><p>Duration: 01/01/2023-31/12/2025</p><h3><strong>Previous EU grants since 2010:</strong></h3><p><strong>Grant</strong>: “<a href=””>Youth Empowerment Programme TAMAYYAZE</a>”; €2 million; 2021-2024</p><p><strong>Grant</strong>: “<a href=””>Seeds of expression bringing European and Palestinian cultures together through theatre and street art encounters</a>”; €133,630; 2018-2019</p><p><strong>Grant</strong>: “<a href=””>Step Forward- Young women’s economic empowerment</a>”; €132,201; 2013-2014</p><h3><strong>Sharek board members glorifying violence and praising members of terrorist organizations</strong></h3><p><u>Jawad Assi</u><strong> –</strong> Elected to <a href=””>Sharek’s board</a> in July 2021</p><p>On January 26, 2023, <a href=””>Jawad Assi mourned the death</a> of a <a href=”″>member</a> of the EU-designated terrorist organization <a href=””>Al-Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades</a>, who was <a href=””>killed in a gunbattle</a> with <a href=””>Israeli forces</a> in <a href=””>Jenin</a>: “The martyr hero Izz a-Din Salahat, the son of the steadfast Jenin camp. Our warm condolences for the martyr’s family. May Allah have mercy on him and make his final resting place in heaven. Surely, we belong to Allah and verily to him do we return.”</p><p><u>Bader Zamareh</u> – Sharek’s executive director (as of <a href=””>January 2023</a>). He has served in this role <a href=””>since 2004</a>.</p><p>On March 11, 2016, <a href=””>Zamareh shared</a> a newspaper account of the 1978 <a href=””>Coastal Road Massacre</a>, in which
38 Israeli civilians, including 13 children, were murdered by Palestinian terrorists. Zamareh commented, “The morning of the honorable date.”</p><p>Referring to a string of terrorist attacks on February 14, 2016, <a href=””>Zamareh wrote</a>, “5 martyrs today, 5 children that the occupation executed.”</p><ul><li>On February 14, 2016, <a href=””>Omar Amru and Mansur Shawamra</a> <a href=””>opened fire on Israeli police officers in Jerusalem</a>; <a href=”″>Naim Safi</a> <a href=””>attempted to stab</a> Israeli police officers; and <a href=””>Nihad Raed Waked and Fuad Marwan Waked</a> attempted to cross the border security fence in Araqa, and <a href=”″>one of them opened fire at Israeli force</a>s.</li></ul><p>On October 5, 2015, <a href=””>Zamareh shared a poster featuring three Palestinian terrorists</a>, referring to them as “martyrs.”</p><ul><li><a href=”″>Mohannad Shafiq Halabi</a>, a member of the PIJ, who was shot and killed after he <a href=”″>stabbed two Israelis to death</a> and injured 2 others, <a href=””>including a 2-year-old boy</a>. </li><li><a href=””>Fadi Alun</a>, who stabbed a <a href=”,7340,L-4706693,00.html”>15-year-old boy</a> and fled the scene. Alun was killed by Israeli police trying to apprehend him.</li><li><a href=”″>Hamas member</a> <a href=””>Hadhifa Othman Suliman</a>, who was killed when he <a href=””>participated</a> in violent riots with IDF forces in Tulkarm. According to the IDF spokesperson, “he and others had <a href=””>thrown firebombs, firecrackers and rocks</a> at Israeli soldiers.”</li></ul><p><a href=”;__cft__%5b0%5d=AZViW_tEIlETOelrEgQrJbSx8tfBwKEzaNPlDAHALKF-J3DVzqbr5a4lazxgRQTehrK3q2fd_1HV-QhZegxm93xOzwrwJqCgZuz-6FHHFlrg9i07Kw4w_aaBh4iuR32B3q8&amp;__tn__=-%5dC%2CP-R”>Kifah Abo Srour</a> – On July 15, 2021, Kifah Abo Srour was elected <a href=””>Secretary of Sharek’s board of directors</a>, and held that position as of <a href=”″>December 2022</a>. <a href=””>Previously</a>, <a href=””>since 2003</a> and at least through <a href=””>September 2019</a>, Abo Srour <a href=””>headed Sharek</a>.</p><p>On December 8, 2022, following a <a href=””>firefight</a> between <a href=””>Israeli forces and armed Palestinians</a> in Jenin, <a href=”;id=100004994027381″>Abu Srour wrote</a>, “Martyrdom in Allah’s and the nation’s cause is not just a destiny, but it is eternal life in glorious death. May Allah have mercy on those who departed us and left in our hearts sorrow.”</p><p><u>Fatma Ashour</u> – On July 15, 2021, Fatima Ashour was elected to <a href=””>Sharek’s board of directors</a>. Ashour also held a seat on the board in <a href=””>2020</a>, and was Sharek’s “<a href=””>Legal Unit coordinator</a>” in 2016.</p><ul><li>On October 20, 2022, after <a href=””>Udai Tamimi opened fire at Israeli civilian security guards</a>, who returned fire and killed him, <a href=””>Ashour wrote</a>, “…the video of the killing of resistance fighter Udai Tamimi while he is facing a barrage of direct gunfire… This video demonstrates how much the occupation is a coward and is afraid of the resistance fighters…Oh Allah, the strength of the Palestinian resistance fighter when facing death with bravery that has no equivalent must be learned. May Allah have mercy on our martyrs, comfort their family and send them a good remedy…”<ul><li>On October 9, <a href=””>Tamimi opened fire at an Israeli checkpoint in Jerusalem</a>, killing an Israeli soldier.</li></ul></li><li>On August 9, 2022, <a href=””>Ashour shared pictures of Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi</a>, and wrote, “Oh Allah, oh Allah, what grief over the murder [of Al-Nabulsi], oh Allah, what a morning…Oh Lord, may you leave none of them [presumably the Israelis].”<ul><li><a href=””>Al-Nabulsi</a> was a member of the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades and part of a cell that carried out multiple shooting attacks against Israelis.
He was killed in a firefight with Israeli forces in August 2022.</li></ul></li></ul><a href=””><img class=”wp-image-48579″ src=”×199.png” alt=”” width=”294″ height=”319″ /></a> Ashour <a href=””>shared pictures</a> of Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades’ senior terrorist Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi and mourned him<ul><li>On March 17, 2019, <a href=””>Ashour wrote</a>, “Any resistance operation that is directed against the Israeli occupation army is welcomed. The international law guarantees the right to carry out resistance against the occupation and to self-determination as all the peoples of the world. #Salfit #He_retreated_in_safely.”<ul><li>On March 17, 2019, <a href=””>Omar Amin Abu Layla</a> <a href=””>stabbed an IDF soldier to death</a>, stole his rifle, and opened fire at Israeli motorists,<a href=””> killing one Israeli civilian</a> and critically wounding a second soldier.</li></ul></li></ul>

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