
EU Funds: “Hungary is Not Asking for Donations or Some Kind of Favor”

During his recent visit to Slovakia the Hungarian Foreign Minister has given an interview to the Hungarian-language news portal

Here Peter Szijjártó has refused to comment on Slovak Foreign Minister Rastislav Kácer’s statements, according to which the post WWII Benes decrees, that still assign collective guilt to the Hungarian community living in Slovakia, are “not a matter of minority policy”. This would in fact deny the Hungarian government the right to comment on the issue, as neighboring governments are only entitled to raise their voices in cases people of their own national community are concerned. The current and past Slovakian governments have used this argument to accuse Budapest of interfering in internal affairs when it came to concerns about the treatment of Hungarians indigenous to Slovakia.

Instead he emphasized that Slovakia is Hungary’s second largest trading partner, with bilateral trade flows rising to over €13 billion last year and a further 43 per cent this year. Next year three new bridges will be inaugurated connecting the two countries, and their leaders should focus on similar things instead of allowing the agenda being dominated by what he called “unnecessary statements”, stated Szijjártó.

With Slovakian Foreign Secretaty Rastislav Kácer (R) in Bratislava. Photo: Facebook Péter Szijjártó

He added that Slovakia is the fourth most sought-after destination for Hungarian venture-capital and there are 850 Slovak companies, which employ more than five thousand Hungarians. “Hungarians and Slovaks are interdependent on many issues. The war has brought out our differences,… but I think it has also strengthened our interdependence just as much”, said the Foreign Minister.

Answering a question about purchasing oil from elsewhere than Russia, Péter Szijjártó replied that “what we are talking about is not reality, but fantasy. The situation today is that the Friendship pipeline supplies Hungary, Slovakia and part of the Czech Republic from Russia. If someone cuts it off, we will not be able to supply our countries with the same quantities from elsewhere.”

V4 Foreign Ministers in Bratislava. Photo: Facebook Péter Szijjártó

The foreign Secretary has also recalled that he met former Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico during his recent visit to Bratislava (Pozsony). In Szijjártó’s view Fico’s premiership has opened up a new dimension in Slovak-Hungarian relations, when the two governments have jointly taken action against illegal migration, have connected natural gas pipelines, and have opened new border crossings.

With former Slovakian PM Robert Fico (R) in Bratislava. Photo: Facebook Péter Szijjártó

Foreign secretary Szijjártó also had good words for former Prime Minister, now Slovakian minister of Finance Igor Matovič, who in his opinion, has always defended Hungary, and was an ally against Brussels. In his view, strengthening the Visegrad cooperation is one of the foundations of Budapest’s foreign policy. So far, it has been clear that the Visegrad Group is one of the most effective and closest alliances within the EU, whose members can cooperate very well on a number of issues, said the foreign secretary.

With Slovakian Finance Minister Igor Matovic (R) in Bratislava. Photo: Facebook Péter Szijjártó

Concerning the partly withheld EU funds, Péter Szijjártó had clarified that these are “not humanitarian donations and they are not financial opportunities created out of the goodwill of our friends in Western Europe. EU money is made up of the economic performance of the Member States, based on the work of the people in each country.” The foreign secretary added that Hungary is not “asking for some kind of donation, we are not asking for money produced by others.

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Via, Featured Photo: Facebook Péter Szijjártó

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