
Congress continues to debate funding for Ukraine

CLEVELAND — Congress has been debating over how much money the United States should give to Ukraine. Some Republicans have suggested sending just aid to Israel, while Democrats have said they want to package a deal to send money both to Ukraine and Israel.

What You Need To Know

  • President Joe Biden requested approval for an aid package that would send $61 billion to Ukraine and $14 billion to Israel
  • There are some Republicans that have said they just want money to go to Israel
  • Dr. Taras Mahlay, a Ukrainian that lives in Cleveland, explained he knows the fight is between Ukraine and Russia, but that the United States needs to help because it has become a global problem

“There is a divide within the Republican party, and we see that across and the senate. So, within the House, there is a fraction of the Republican party that is much more supportive of Russia and much less supportive of Ukraine. Within the Senate, the Republican Party is more consistently supportive of Ukraine,” Justin Buchler, a political science professor at Case Western Reserve University, explained.

President Joe Biden requested approval for an aid package that would send $61 billion to Ukraine and $14 billion to Israel. There are some Republicans that have said they just want money to go to Israel. Buchler is worried about what would happen if Ukraine does not get any money.

“If the U.S. stops funding Ukraine, Ukraine folds. There’s no way that Ukraine can continue fighting Russia without American support. If the money dries up, Ukraine loses,” he said. 

Dr. Taras Mahlay, a Ukrainian that lives in Cleveland, said he is also worried. He went to Ukraine in May to assist the medical staff there and said that they need help.

 “What’s lacking? Funds and equipment and supplies,” he said.

Mahlay explained he knows the fight is between Ukraine and Russia, but that the United States needs to help because it has become a global problem.

“You have these bullies bullying these smaller countries. Russia to Ukraine that is and then you got terrorists attacking Israel, and unless you take care of the bully, they’re going to keep on bullying,” he said.

The House and Senate continue to debate over Ukraine funding. 

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