Cohesion Policy: DW magazine Focus on Europe presents special project on EU Structural Funds | Press | DW
Unsorted, untreated garbage is piling up in a huge landfill in Romania – while several millions in EU funding have been invested for years to bring the Romanian waste management in line with EU standards. What went wrong? DW reporter Gönna Ketels tries to answer this question in her new documentary Wasted. In the process, she and her team come across an intransparent web of responsibilities and competencies in EU project structures.
In addition to being published on YouTube, the report will be broadcast in linear format as part of the documentary series Close up as well as in a shorter version on the Reporter and Focus on Europe slots.
DW reporter Gönna Ketels (second from left) and her team investigate trash mismanagement and the alleged misuse of EU funds in Romania.
Raising awareness on the EU’s cohesion policy
The production is part of a special project on European cohesion policy. With its cohesion policy, the EU seeks to combat economic and social inequalities, but many EU citizens barely have any information about this topic. The question is therefore all the more important: Does the cohesion policy work?
The goal of the special project is to gain the longest possible utilization chain: The research will result in three YouTube reports, several social media videos in various languages, and a linear TV special. The show will be produced by Deutsche Welle (DW) in six languages: English, German, Spanish, Arabic, Russian and Albanian. In addition, distributors in Romania, Poland, Latvia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine will broadcast the magazine in their respective languages.
The European Union is supporting the project financially. However, the views and opinions expressed herein are solely those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Commission. Neither the European Union nor the European Commission can be held responsible.