
Charity walk for WWII veteran raises both tensions and funds – The Pembrokeshire Herald

ON SATURDAY (Sept 23) Pembrokeshire witnessed a charity walk that has since become a focal point of conversation, drawing both admiration and critique.

Organised by Darren Edmundson and promoted through the Twitter handle @98YearOldHomeless, the event began at the Pembroke Train Station at 10am and made its way to Tenby. Its objective was to raise funds for a 98-year-old WWII D-Day hero veteran, Alfi Guenigault, who had recently been served a no-fault eviction notice.

The campaign backing Guenigault has garnered significant support. Separately to the walk, A GoFundMe page titled “98Year homeless world war 2 veteran” was set up with an initial goal of £10,000. As of now, the fundraiser has reached a commendable £8,891, with contributions from 367 donors.

Dolly Drayson, the chief organiser of that fundraiser, outlined the pressing needs of the veteran.

Speaking to The Pembrokeshire Herald after the charity walk, organiser Darren Edmundson said: “It went really well; everyone completed the ten miles.

“It was so disheartening to witness the far-left’s Stand Up to Racism counter-protesting against a WW2 D-Day veteran who is 98-years-old.

“They were fully aware that this was a non-political event.

“Alfred Guenigault is among the mere six surviving British D-Day veterans – he unquestionably deserves our support.”

Yet, the event was not without contention. Allegations emerged suggesting a participant, who it was claimed bears resemblance to Adolf Hitler and named as Alex Yerbury, arrived in military attire.

This attracted the attention and concern of anti-racism campaigners, Stand Up To Racism Swansea, who staged a counter-protest in Pembroke. Their claims that some of the marchers appeared intoxicated added to the unfolding drama. A claim which was denied.

Stand Up to Racism West Wales, underscoring their prompt intervention, relayed their primary mission was to emphasise that right wing ideologies had no place in their community, resulting in the marchers being shown the exit.

This episode, a blend of genuine charity intentions and impassioned debate, serves as a poignant reminder of the deeply entrenched sentiments in west Wales.

As the fundraiser continues to gain momentum, the event’s aftermath is likely to be a subject of local conversation for a while.

A poster by Stand Up To Racism attempting to gather support against the charity walk (Facebook)

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