
Building Vibrant Communities – more than £520,000 invested in projects across Angus

More than half-a-million pounds has been awarded to four exciting local projects that are designed to improve our communities in Angus.

The initiatives aim to support local buildings, places and services, and progress community development in Arbroath, Carnoustie, Kirriemuir and Montrose.

Approved at our Communities Committee on Tuesday, 26 September (Report No 262/23) this substantial investment will help to drive economic recovery, increase local resilience, and accelerate Community-Led Regeneration.

The successful projects for 2023/24 are:- a new-build extension for Kirrie Connections; funding to develop a new facility at the Union Park Community Sports Hub in Montrose; the redevelopment of the outdoor community garden and courtyard café at the Signal Space in Arbroath; and essential upgrades to the Panmure Centre in Carnoustie.

Panmure Centre repair and upgrade

A decision on a fifth project recommended for funding in Arbroath, was deferred by the Communities Committee to allow for further details to be provided.

Communities Convenor, Cllr Mark McDonald, said: “I am delighted that, for the third year in a row, we are seeing ambitious, creative and innovative projects being put forward by communities across Angus. It is clear that people want to play a key role in shaping the future of their places. It’s wonderful to see that money from the Place Based Investment Programme and the UK Shared Prosperity fund will be put to good use once again this year for the benefit of our communities and to help us all create more inviting, accessible and resilient places where we live and work.”

The Scottish Government Place-Based Investment Programme (PBIP) and the UK Shared Prosperity Fund are tailored to support investment decisions that match the specific priorities of local communities.

A crucial aspect of delivering the programme is making sure that investment decisions are guided by the evidenced needs of local communities. The purpose is to regenerate and revitalise towns and villages, help tackle inequality and disadvantage and accelerate Scotland towards net-zero targets. Projects must also provide sustainable and effective benefits to the places where they are delivered.  

Investment in previous years has seen important projects completed or now underway across Angus, including the Courthouse improvements in Arbroath; the Village Hall Fund; Caledonian Railway. Funds have also secured the building of a community hub in Monifieth; provided a 3D-pitch for Skilz Academy; and supported Brechin Community Trust.

Communities Vice Convenor, Cllr Kenny Braes, said: “We have been thrilled to see so many of our community groups come forward and take interest in this opportunity. The funding applications have far exceeded the funding resource that is available at this time. But we want those local groups that missed out on funding this time around to hold on to their aspirations and continue to develop plans for the final two rounds of this fund in future years.”

Cllr Serena Cowdy, who is also a Vice Convenor of Communities, added: “The approved projects demonstrate they are robust, with well-defined plans and strong community support. But I would also reassure the groups who were involved in unsuccessful bids that our Community Development Officers will continue to work with project leads and our Funding Officer will continue ongoing assistance for external funding applications.”

The successful projects are as follows:

Kirrie Connections New Community Hall, Kirriemuir – £300,000

The proposed project involves the construction of a new extension to an existing community dementia hub. Kirrie Connections is an award-winning dementia charity that is leading nationally in Scotland around innovative community-based support for families affected by dementia. The building is also used by many community groups in Kirriemuir and is a hub of activity day and night.  The extension will also provide a much-needed community space, which will be available to be hired by other groups and organisations in the evenings and at weekends.

Union Park Community Sports Hub, Montrose – £50,000

The application is for a funding gap for a new building at Union Park. The building will extend the use of the Rugby Club and will also allow other organisations to use the space.

Signal Space Community Garden & Courtyard Café, Arbroath – £143,540

This project, funded from the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, will see the creation of a community health and well-being hub along with a café, social supermarket, community launderette and community space. This will bring social benefit to the communities of Arbroath and will allow additional services to be delivered.

Preservation of Iconic Community Building in Carnoustie: Panmure Centre – £27,000

This application is for funds to repair and upgrade the historic Panmure Centre in Carnoustie. This is the first stage in the redevelopment of the building.

The following application was deferred for a future decision:

Replacement Roof Coverings at Arbroath Community Centre – £443,000

This application is to fund the replacement of the Arbroath Community Centre roof and to lower the roof to make it more energy efficient.  This is a proactive measure to ensure, should a community group take over the building, that the building is wind and watertight.

Levelling Up and Place Based Investment funding

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