
Balázs Orbán on Hungary’s Position Amidst the Russian-Ukrainian War

There is a fundamental difference of opinion between Brussels and Hungary on the assessment of the Russian-Ukrainian war and its strategy, Balázs Orbán, the Prime Minister’s Political Director, told Kossuth Radio’s Sunday Newspaper (Vasárnapi Újság) program.

Balázs Orbán said that Brussels believes that it is in the interest of European countries if this conflict continues and possibly escalates. Hungary sees the opposite: there is no military solution to this crisis; a diplomatic one is necessary.

On supporting Ukraine, he said that it is worth providing assistance, but we need to develop a policy that brings us closer to peace and does not threaten the escalation of a war.

Hungary has made it clear before that it is not opposed to supporting Ukraine.

However, it insists on building in specific brakes and balances from the EU budget. Additionally, Hungary emphasizes that EU funds allocated to Hungarians should not be sent to Ukraine.

On the EUR 50 billion in aid that has been voted through, Mr. Orbán also said that a serious and strict procedure has been put in place, requiring continuous monitoring of the use of funds, taking into account the EU budget for the coming years, and that the European Council must discuss this issue every year.

If the Heads of Government of the member states agree, payments can be stopped or modified.

Hungary’s blackmail, threats, and sanctions on funding have backfired on those who devised this plan. As the politician explained, “they have received such strong international reactions” that the problem is not the rule of law and transparency but outright power blackmail. Interestingly, this has increased Hungary’s room for maneuver. It also contributed to our ability to reach a compromise within the Hungarian national interest. He said EU funds are coming to Hungary in an orderly way, and few people know that most of the money is now flowing here, but there are ongoing conflicts.

According to Mr. Orbán, this should be considered a “great Hungarian victory”

that the 27 member states of the European Council have given the European Commission a unanimous opinion, even against the European Parliament’s, that a member state cannot be discriminated. The European Council sent a very clear signal to the European Commission that “the negotiations on the funds should be conducted in a fair, equitable, and legal framework,” he stressed.

The European Parliament elections and the U.S. presidential elections could be a turning point with the return of Donald Trump and the Republican Party, offering a chance to resolve the Russo-Ukrainian conflict. If not, we will have to set ourselves up for a long-term war situation, and Hungary will have to make enormous efforts to stay out of the war and preserve its peace and security, the politician concluded.

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Via MTI; Featured Image: MTI / Miniszterelnöki Sajtóiroda / Fischer Zoltán

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