Atlas FM is funding the training costs of 10 Level 3 Early Years apprenticeships at Bright Horizons Nurseries.
The company says it chose to make this donation because of the “important role that educators in the early years have on the first five years of a child’s life”.
Atlas provides cleaning services to Bright Horizons and the funding is being provided via Atlas’ apprentice levy transfer support programme. Large employers that pay the apprenticeship levy can choose to transfer up to 25 per cent of their levy funds each year to support other businesses, to pay for apprenticeship training and assessment. This enables unspent levy funding that would expire after 24 months to be donated to organisations that can utilise the funding now.
This follows on from Atlas’ announcement last week that it had become the FM industry’s first Fostering Friendly Employer.
Chris Wisely, Group Managing Director of Atlas, commented: “We are delighted to be able to help Bright Horizons train new apprentices to provide early years care and education. We know it helps children and their families to be their very best. Atlas is a family-focused business, and we are constantly looking for ways to support our customers and the communities in which we operate.”
Janine Leightley, HR Director at Bright Horizons, said: “We appreciate the backing of Atlas to donate their levy funds to support the training of 10 of our apprentices. These apprentices are thriving in their careers and are making a positive impact to the children at Bright Horizons and their families.”
2023 FMJ and Grundon Recycling and Waste Management Survey
FMJ in conjunction with Grundon Waste Management is pleased to launch the 2023 waste management and recycling survey which examines the ways in which FMs approach their waste management responsibilities.
In this, the sixth year for the annual appraisal, we know there is a greater opportunity than ever for FMs to reappraise their waste and recycling operations and help their organisations meet the growing pressure to achieve ESG goals.
We want to learn how FMs have adapted to the legislative, economic and societal changes of the past year and how they plan to meet the latest waste and recycling targets.
In this survey we’ve posed a series of questions which include insights into FMs’ waste management strategy and targets, how they’re moving towards zero waste targets, and the importance of not just meeting compliance targets but also ESG goals.
The results of the 2023 survey will be published in FMJ magazine and form the basis of a white paper co-written by FMJ and the experts at Grundon on how to approach waste and recycling strategies.
To take part click here.