Applications deadline March 17, 2023
The Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) of the U.S. Embassy in Belgrade announces an open competition for individuals and organizations to submit applications for Alumni Small Grants Program. Please check for information on other PAS funding opportunities here.
Program Objectives:
Funds for the Alumni Small Grants Program are specifically designated for use by past participants of U.S. Government (USG)-sponsored exchange programs (see below for a complete list of eligible programs). The Alumni Small Grants Program allows our alumni to leverage their experience in the United States to develop ideas and implement projects about how to give back to their home community, or to Serbian society more generally. These projects allow alumni to showcase their leadership and organizational skills, their creativity and innovative approaches to solving problems, and their ability to network and work with allies to achieve their goals.
Grant activities may take any number of forms, including trainings, conferences, workshops, courses, academic competitions, summer camps (focused on language study, sports, etc.), cross-border exchanges, curriculum development, exhibits, hackathons or app development, online projects, mock trials or moot court competitions, simulations and role-playing activities (e.g., Model Congress, Model United Nations), film or theater festivals, performances, or other activities.
Alumni small grants proposals should be crafted with a S.M.A.R.T. logic model. The objective of your activity should be: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant to the problem or challenge, and Time-based, meaning that you will meet them by a certain date.
In accordance with the Executive Order on Advancing Racial Equity and Underserved Communities, proposals should demonstrate how the program advances equity with respect to race, ethnicity, religion, income, geography, gender identity, sexual orientation, and disability. The proposal should also demonstrate how the program will further engagement in underserved communities and with individuals from underserved communities. Proposals should demonstrate how addressing racial equity and underserved communities will enhance the program’s goals and objectives, as well as the experience of participants.
Grantees are expected to: publicize your activities, including through social media and/or traditional press outlets; and highlight U.S. Embassy support, with our logo included on project-related materials.
addressing racial equity and underserved communities will enhance the program’s goals and objectives, as well as the experience of participants.
In light of social distancing measures, and to limit the spread of COVID-19, we welcome proposals that utilize video conferencing, distance learning tools, etc. If your proposal includes in-person activities, please consider the inclusion of contingency plans, if the health situation requires that social distancing measures be implemented during the grant period.
Grantees are expected to: publicize your activities, including through social media and/or traditional press outlets; and highlight U.S. Embassy support, with our logo included on project-related materials.
Program Themes:
The Embassy seeks applications focusing on the themes below. We have included ideas about what your project could do, but we welcome creative approaches and activities.
- ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS / PROTECTING THE WORLD AROUND US. Promoting awareness about environmental issues and our responsibilities as global citizens, including through education, experiential learning, and community projects.
- PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES. Expanding opportunities for Persons With Disabilities (PWDs) in Serbian society (e.g., in education, business and the workplace, government, civil society, the media, sports, the arts, etc.), advocating for their equal rights, sharing stories about the successes of the PWDs in Serbian society, breaking down stereotypes, and/or devising solutions to help the disabled overcome challenges to greater participation in society.
- GENDER-FOCUSED PROGRAMS. Promoting gender equality, female entrepreneurship, and women’s empowerment, as well as combating gender-based violence.
- TOLERANCE & HUMAN RIGHTS. Promoting tolerance of and equality for other vulnerable populations — including ethnic and religious minorities, members of the LGBT community, refugees and migrants, victims of human trafficking, etc. – and/or countering violent extremism and radicalism in Serbia and the region.
- RULE OF LAW / ANTI-CORRUPTION. Promoting rule of law, legal reform, and transparency in government, and combating corruption, in the workplace, in education, in the delivery of healthcare, in the legal system, in government offices, etc.
- CIVIC PARTICIPATION / YOUTH LEADERSHIP. Promoting participation by Serbian citizens in public debate over policy issues, engagement with government officials and bodies, coming up with solutions to local problems, etc.
- STABILITY, PEACE, & CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION. Supporting conflict resolution efforts within Serbia and within the region, seeking reconciliation, promoting mutual understanding, and promoting cross-border cooperation and communication to solve common problems.
- INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY-BUILDING. Capacity-building efforts focused on the strengthening of civil society organizations, media outlets, and educational institutions.
- FIGHTING BRAIN DRAIN. Promoting entrepreneurship and innovation, developing Serbia’s market economy, expanding local jobs opportunities, and proposing creative ways to keep young people employed and thriving in Serbia.
- MEDIA LITERACY & CRITICAL THINKING. Promoting media literacy and critical thinking, especially among students and young professionals. This could include learning through simulations and role playing, academic competitions and projects, etc.
In order to submit your application please read detailed instructions: Alumni Notice of Funding Opportunity 2023. All necessary forms and documents are available for download on the grants programs page. Applications, inquiries and all other questions should be sent to BelgradeAlumni@state.gov