
Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2024 – United Nations Environment – Finance Initiative

The 7th Annual Sustainable Investment Forum Europe returns to Paris at the Pullman Paris Montparnasse on the 2nd May 2024, in official partnership with UNEP FI. The Forum will be a key platform for open dialogue with the finance sector, and provide participants the opportunity to enhance collaboration, foster dialogue, promote clear standards, and drive sustainable practices across assets classes and portfolios.

The Climate Action and UNEP FI Forum will feature discussions on decarbonization, as well as pioneering work on nature and biodiversity, adaptation, the Just Transition and leading research and best practices to identify, measure, disclose, and manage sustainability risks. Our goal is to align sustainable finance with the real economy and enable a just transition to a net-zero, nature positive global economy.

Register today through our exclusive discount, saving up to £300 on your delegate pass and actively contribute to the sustainable finance market in Europe, driving economic growth, resilience, and inclusivity.

Key Speakers:

  • Helena Vines Fiestas, Chair, EU Platform for Sustainable Finance and Commissioner, Spanish Financial Markets Authority
  • Morten Nilson, CEO, Brightwell
  • Romie Goedicke, Co – Head Nature, UNEP FI
  • Eric Usher, Head, UNEP FI
  • Sagarika Chatterjee, Department Director, Climate Finance, UN Climate Champions, Race to Zero
  • Marion Maloney, Strategic Investment Manager Pension Fund Management Team, UK Environment Agency Pension Fund
  • Joël Prohin, Head of Investment Management, Caisse des Depots
  • Olga Hancock, Head of Responsible Investment, Church Commissioners for England
  • Matt Holmes, Group Head, Political & Government Affairs, Zurich Insurance Group

How to Register:  UNEP FI is the Official Event Partner and you can register now by using our exclusive discount code UNEPFI25 for 25% off your ticket. Contact Marketing and Partnerships Manager Rachel Cooper directly if you have any questions at [email protected]

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