Sustainable Economic Forum sums up 1st edition in Algeria with global industry participation across MENA & EU member states

Dubai: Sustainable Economic Forum successfully concluded its first edition in Algeria earlier this month. The conference witnessed over 1200 visitors and had global participation from leading industry leaders. Designed by Mohamed Skander, the forum was built on the ethos that, together, we can move towards fulfilling sustainable development goals with realistic strategies and strong industry support.
The two-day event had more than 17 represented countries in attendance – with key players and organisations from China, Italy, Tunis, South Africa, France, Egypt amongst other MENA emerging economies. With SDG being on the agenda of all nation states for the upcoming year – SEF was launched in the aims of facilitating the conversations, solutions and agreements between key stakeholders and within governmental entities.
Various speakers took the stage, such as Professor Nazim Sini, Moufdi Chikh from Total Energies, Farouk Benabdoun from Siemens Energy, Malik Faroun from OPEC fund amongst other industry leaders – (for full program).Event partners included big names like CREA, AHK Algerie, BNP Paribas, Huawei and various state ministries including the Ministry of Industry and Economy.
Supported by the main Algerian Business Association (CREA) – the forum facilitated various dialogues, conversations and partnerships. Key topics that were highlighted were, but not limited to; circular economy solutions, smart cities which may be a reality we will be living in soon, renewable energy sources, responsible tourism – in addition to the main earth’s resources like water and how to preserve, protect as well as fossil fuels and other CSR matters.
Mohamed Skander notes, “Part of our responsibility to this world is to try and facilitate the dialogue between institutions that can make a difference – in bettering the quality of life for us and for the future generations. All industries play a role, or at least can contribute, big or small to the betterment of the environment, to make impactful changes that benefit all”.
To conclude, SEF is working on an intensive report to share with stakeholders and relevant media – part of their global recommendations is to invest heavily in the renewable green hydrogen sector – a pact that came in line with Saudi Arabia’s announcement of launching hydrogen train tests last month. Emerging countries who can meet these conditions will be ideal for decarbonized production, as we move to renewable energy sources to sustain less invasive methods that harm the environment and climate.
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Sharifa AlBadi