
SNP arrest news latest: Treasurer Colin Beattie questioned by detectives in finance investigation

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie arrested as part of probe into party finances

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie has been arrested in connection with an investigation into the party’s finances.

Police Scotland said the 71-year-old has been taken into custody and is being questioned by detectives.

The arrest of Mr Beattie, who also serves as an MSP for Midlothian North and Musselburgh, is the second in relation to the investigation into how more than £600,000 in donations to the party earmarked for an independence referendum had been used.

Police said he was arrested “in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party”.

Earlier this month, former party chief executive Peter Murrell was arrested and questioned for more than 11 hours before being released without charge “pending further investigation”.

Mr Murrell is the husband of former first minister Nicola Sturgeon.


I don’t believe the SNP is operating criminally, says Yousaf

SNP leader Humza Yousaf has said he does “not believe” that the party is operating in a criminal way after the arrest of the party’s treasurer Colin Beattie this morning.

Asked if it was operating criminally, he told reporters: “No, certainly I don’t believe it is at all, no.”

Asked if he was surprised at Mr Beattie’s arrest, he said: “Well, yes, of course I’m surprised when one of my colleagues has been arrested. It’s a very serious matter, indeed.”

Mr Yousaf said he wanted to discuss “pertinent issues” about Mr Beattie’s role as the SNP treasurer – and his role on the Scottish parliament’s public audit committee – with him later.

“I’ll have to speak to Colin Beattie. My understanding is he’s still in the police station being questioned. Clearly when he’s off that, I’ll have a word with Colin – not about the live investigation – but clearly there are pertinent issues around public audit committee and of course his roles as national treasurer.”

Emily Atkinson18 April 2023 14:47


Delay for court hearing involving ex SNP MP Natalie McGarry

A court hearing which will attempt to recoup money embezzled by an ex-SNP MP has been delayed until the summer, a court has heard.

Natalie McGarry, 41, was last year found guilty of embezzling almost £25,000 from pro-independence groups between April 2013 and November 2015.

Prosecutors are now attempting to recover the funds from McGarry, but on Tuesday, her lawyer Allan McLeod submitted a motion to delay the confiscation hearing for a further 12 weeks, saying there was an “extensive period” of financial records between Ms McGarry and her husband, ex-councillor David Meikle, to deal with.

Mr McLeod told sheriff Barry Divers at Glasgow sheriff court he had accumulated 29 pages of financial transactions amounting to about 1,000 transactions in total between Ms McGarry and Mr Meikle that go as far back as 2002 to be examined in order to come to a figure as to how much the crown will attempt to recover from McGarry.

The delay will allow both parties to build a picture of the financial relationship between Ms McGarry and Mr Meikle, the court heard.

Natalie McGarry arriving at Glasgow Sheriff Court (PA)

(PA Archive)

William Mata18 April 2023 13:46


Beattie ‘had concerns over finances’

Mr Beattie, 71, served in the role, which oversees financial matters, between 2004 and 2020 and again from 2021 when MP Douglas Chapman resigned – claiming he had not been given enough information to carry out the job.

In July 2021, Police Scotland opened an investigation into the use of about £600,000 of donations received by the party as part of a fundraising effort to finance an independence referendum campaign.

In August 2021, Mr Beattie sought to reassure members in a statement released alongside the party’s accounts, saying: “There has been concern expressed in some quarters that this system does not result in a separate fund being officially recorded in the annual accounts of the party.

“Hence a claim from some that the money does not exist.

“In fact, the money is earmarked through the internal process set out above and will be deployed fully through future cash flow for the purpose of promoting a referendum on independence and campaigns intended to secure independence.”

He continued: “While these monies are not separated out, their existence in terms of the commitment as to what they will be spent on is tangible.”

Scrutiny on the SNP’s finances increased in the years to come, however, resulting in former chief executive – and Nicola Sturgeon’s husband – Peter Murrell being arrested this month.

He was released with charge “pending further investigation” after more than 11 hours of questioning.

Mr Beattie was subsequently arrested on Tuesday.

Colin Beattie was arrested on Tuesday (Jane Barlow/PA)

(PA Archive)

William Mata18 April 2023 13:45


Humza Yousaf makes first major speech

Humza Yousaf has made his first major speech as first minister for Scotland.

The SNP’s new leader addressed the Scottish TUC Annual Congress in Dundee on Monday.

He tweeted: “Grateful for the v warm reception as I reiterated the value @scotgov places in our relationship with the trade union movement.”

William Mata18 April 2023 12:45


Starmer says SNP is a ‘real mess’

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has said the SNP is in a “real mess”.

He was asked during a visit to York University about the arrest of SNP treasurer Doug Beattie.

Sir Keir told broadcasters: “The SNP developments are deeply concerning.

“Obviously there is a criminal investigation going on, so there is only so much I can say.

“But after 16 years in power, it has descended to this – a real mess – and those being let down are Scottish voters who are entitled to better than this.

“And if anything makes the case for change clear it is what is happening with the SNP just at the moment.

“Scotland deserves better and with Labour they would get better.”

Labour leader Keir Starmer


William Mata18 April 2023 12:27


Police statement in full

Police Scotland has said over the arrest of Colin Beattie: “A 71-year-old man has today, Tuesday, 18 April 2023, been arrested as a suspect in connection with the ongoing investigation into the funding and finances of the Scottish National Party.

“The man is in custody and is being questioned by Police Scotland detectives.

“A report will be sent to the Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service.

“The matter is active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media.

“As the investigation is ongoing we are unable to comment further.”

William Mata18 April 2023 12:15


Police investigation into SNP finances – what we know so far

A probe into the party’s finances has been ongoing since July 2021.

Colin Beattie is the second senior SNP figure to be taken into custody after Peter Murrell – the former chief executive and husband of Nicola Sturgeon.

The SNP has come under scrutiny

(PA Archive)

William Mata18 April 2023 11:58


Video: SNP treasurer Colin Beattie arrested as part of probe into party finances

SNP treasurer Colin Beattie arrested as part of probe into party finances

William Mata18 April 2023 11:45


SNP investigation timeline: How it has played out so far

May 2021 – MP quits party finance role

MP Douglas Chapman resigned from his role as the party’s treasurer, saying he had not been given enough information to do his job. Senior figures in the party, including Nicola Sturgeon, later disputed his assessment.

Joanna Cherry, a vocal internal critic of the party’s leadership, also resigned from her role on the national executive committee (NEC).

July 2021 – Police open investigation

Police Scotland confirmed they were investigating after seven complaints were made around donations to the SNP. This followed allegations that £600,000 raised for campaigning towards Scottish independence was diverted elsewhere.

Earlier, the police force said they were assessing a fraud allegation relating to £600,000 of funds “to determine if an investigation is required”. The party said that “all sums raised for independence campaigning will be spent on independence campaigning”.

August 2021 – Party accounts acknowledge ‘concern’

As the party’s annual accounts were published, treasurer Colin Beattie acknowledged there had been “concern” about transparency over independence-related appeals that had raised more than £600,000. In a section of the accounts, Mr Beattie discussed money raised by the referendum-related appeals since 2017.

He said that £666,953 had been raised up to the end of 2021, with a total of £51,760 expenditure applied to this income. The money was “earmarked” through internal processes, he said, though the accounts did not officially record a separate sum.

December 2022 – Loan to SNP emerges

In December, it emerged that Mr Murrell had loaned the party £100,000 in June 2021.

The party said this was to help with a “cash flow” issue after the election that year. Ms Sturgeon said: “The resources that he lent the party were resources that belonged to him.”

February 2023 – Nicola Sturgeon resigns

Nicola Sturgeon stunned the political world by suddenly announcing her resignation on February 15.

She said this was not in relation to short-term pressures but because she knew in her “head and heart” that the time was right to go. During her Bute House press conference, she was asked if she expected to be interviewed in relation to the investigation. She said she did not.

March 2023 – Peter Murrell resigns

Amid the SNP leadership contest to replace Ms Sturgeon, Mr Murrell announced he was stepping down from the role he had held for more than 20 years. It came during a row over the party’s membership numbers, which had also led to media chief Murray Foote stepping down.

Membership numbers had dropped by about 30,000 in the last year, something the party had previously denied.

April 2023 – Murrell arrested as police search premises

Mr Murrell was arrested on the morning of Wednesday April 5. There was a large police presence around his home in Glasgow as well as the SNP’s headquarters in Edinburgh.

He was released without charge, pending further investigation, the same day.

April 2023 – Treasurer arrested

On April 18, party treasurer Colin Beattie was arrested and interviewed by police.

William Mata18 April 2023 11:31


From yesterday: Calls for Nicola Sturgeon to step down as MSP

On Monday it was reported that SNP leader Humza Yousaf was facing calls to suspend his predecessor Nicola Sturgeon following claims police are investigating attempts to shut down scrutiny of party finances.

Ms Sturgeon blocked plans to hire a fundraising manager for the party when she was leader and first minister despite concerns about transparency, leaked emails appeared to show.

Police Scotland detectives investigating the party’s finances have been handed emails showing Ms Sturgeon quashed the idea of a fundraising manager in June 2021, according to Scotland’s Sunday Mail.

Nicola Sturgeon spoke to reporters outside her home on Saturday (Jane Barlow/PA)

(PA Wire)

William Mata18 April 2023 11:24

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