
Report into better access to finance for deaf community launched

bank customer

An estimated 11 million people in the UK experience hearing loss of some kind. The report by the primary financial self-regulatory body includes insights from leading community representatives and provides key insights and considerations for ensuring financial services firms understand d/Deaf cultures and how they can ensure accessibility for this vital community.

Some of the issues highlighted in the report include:

  • A ‘one size fits all’ approach, with firms often not making allowances for the different ways that d/Deaf people choose to communicate – for example, some may use hearing aids but some may not
  • Over-reliance on written English to communicate, not recognising that many people in the deaf community use British Sign Language as their first language
  • Staff awareness, including in how to use any technology or systems that allow staff to communicate effectively with d/Deaf customers
  • Timing, including allowing more time customers with hearing loss to ensure information is communicated effectively

Many of the recommendations in the report apply to other areas of banking and finance, including mortgage advice. In 2021, a campaign was launched to encourage more advisers to learn BSL.

Tom Pursglove MP, Minister of State for Disabled People, Health and Work, supported the report, commenting in his foreword:

“Financial services impact all areas of life. That’s why it is so important that we in the UK do all we can to have a fully inclusive financial services industry that works for everyone, regardless of access needs.

[The report] is an important step towards the shared goal of ensuring that all consumers can bank in a way which is accessible for them.”

Emma Lovell, Chief Executive of the Lending Standards Board, commented:

“We are delighted to release this report, which provides a much-needed spotlight on the challenges faced by the d/Deaf community when accessing banking and credit services. Putting accessibility at the heart of design and delivery helps ensure that every customer can have full and independent access to banking and credit, creating a more inclusive and accessible environment for all customers, including those with hearing loss. By using this report to consider how they currently treat d/Deaf customers and those with hearing loss, firms can continue to improve to deliver better outcomes for all.”

Editor’s note: ‘d/Deaf’ is used in accordance with the report. ‘Deaf’ is capitalised to indicate those who identify as culturally Deaf and are actively engaged with the Deaf community, especially those who have been Deaf since birth.  It is an important distinction, because Deaf people tend to communicate in sign language as their first language. Spelled with a lowercase ‘d’, deaf indicates anyone who has hearing loss but does not fit into or identify with the former category.

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