
NACCIMA and EU announce partnership on business innovation and growth

The European Union and the Nigerian Association of Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Mines and Agriculture (NACCIMA) have officially announced their partnership.

This was affirmed at the European Union and NACCIMA Business Evening, which took place on 29th November 2023, hosted by the Spanish Ambassador, Juan Sell, and the President of the European Union. Ambassador Juan Sell welcomed all guests and the European Union community to his home.

The event brought together the NACCIMA leadership, led by the President of Naccima,  1st deputy president, national vice presidents and over 70 business leaders, ambassadors, and officials from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Industry Trade and Investment, Finance Ministry, Nigerian Export Promotion Council, oil and gas free trade zones, Ekiti state commissioner for commerce and industry and other notable persons present in the Nigerian business environment.

The Head of the European Union Delegation to Nigeria and to the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS), Ambassador Samuela Isopi, confirmed the partnership and informed the audience that by the first quarter of 2024, there will be an EU and Nigerian business summit.

In his speech, NACCIMA President, Hon. Dele Kelvin Oye, welcomed guests, traced the history of NACCIMA, and emphasized the role of Chambers of Commerce in society, especially the role of NACCIMA Youth Entrepreneurs and Women’s Chamber of Commerce in NACCIMA as a trade group.

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He thanked the EU for partnering with NACCIMA.

This partnership is expected to unlock many opportunities and create a more conducive environment for doing business in Nigeria. It promises to support the growth of businesses, encourage innovation, and promote sustainable development in Nigeria.

The birth of the NACCIMA European Union partnership is an exciting opportunity for both organizations to foster collaboration, stimulate innovation, and advocate for favourable business environments.

The 2024 business summit will be the first of many initiatives aimed at promoting economic growth and mutual development in Nigeria.

NACCIMA is thrilled at the opportunity to work with the European Union to achieve its objectives to promote, protect, and enhance the invaluable role of the business sector for sustainable development and economic empowerment in Nigeria.

We look forward to the fruitful fruits of this partnership and a future of shared growth.

The event had all the European Union countries in attendance,  while these countries were present at the Ambassador level:
– EU
– Italy
– Belgium
– Portugal
– Bulgaria
–  Czech Republic
– Finland
The rest were represented by Chargé, Deputy Ambassador or Trade Counsellors.

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