Finance – Your authority on UK local government

Hull’s finances ‘reaching the end of the road’ image

The leader of Hull City Council has warned the Government that it will not be able to set a balanced budget in 2025-26 without intervention.

Council leader Mike Ross and the leader of Hull’s Labour group, Daren Hale, have written to ministers including Michael Gove, the Secretary of State for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities.

Cllr Ross and Cllr Hale told ministers: ‘It is expected that Hull will be able to set a balanced budget and maintain vital services over the next 12 months.

‘Without additional government support, this will not be the case from April by 2025 and the council will be unable to maintain the services needed to protect our most vulnerable and rightly expected by our residents.’

They added: ‘While the council has worked tirelessly to balance its budget in increasingly difficult circumstances, we are reaching the end of the road.’

The warning comes ahead of next week’s Autumn Statement and follows a ‘fair funding’ call from the leader of Newcastle City Council, Nick Kemp.

Cllr Kemp urged the chancellor, Jeremy Hunt, to provide sustainable social care funding, end charges for council services, fund universal free school meals, and make permanent the household support fund.

If this article was of interest, then check out our features: ‘Preventing future Section 114 notices’ and ‘Intervening at the local level’

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