
In the United States it is now possible to withdraw dollars from a digital ATM without using magnetic cards | USA Diario

ATMs without cardPhoto byUSA Diario

At the moment, many digital ATMs in the United States have the option of giving you dollars without the need of a magnetic card. The technological development achieved in contemporary times allows the planet to perform almost all financial transactions using bank cards.

However, it is also important to have cash as a monetary resource everywhere. In addition, it is possible that with the hectic life we lead nowadays, anyone forgets to carry the card.

There is a procedure to follow in order to be able to withdraw the capital you want from an ATM even if you do not have a debit card. Electronic teller machines ask you to check your personal account to withdraw dollars through a cell phone alert.

Banks use different technologies

Another way to verify that the information is checked is through a bank application. This novel maneuver is feasible thanks to the technological advance of Quick Response (QR) codes.

Near Field Communication (NFC) can also be used as a tool, which can be located on the Internet, thanks to Google Pay and CashTapp. All you have to do is enter one or the other application by cell phone and then check the option of the bank account.

The transaction concludes with a PIN check. If the QR alternative is chosen, a configuration has to be made on the cell phone.

The ATM will display an image with the code and this will be captured by the user’s cell phone. At the end of this variant, the cashier will deliver the number of dollars desired by the citizen.

Those interested should inquire about the virtual platforms used by the different banking entities. Chase Bank works with Google Pay, Apple Pay, Samsung Pay, mobile wallet and Capital One bank uses CashTapp. While Bank of America uses Google Pay and Wells Fargo has Mobile Card-Free Access.

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