
G-20 Summit 2023 Live Updates | ‘Threat or use of nuclear weapons inadmissible’: Leaders’ declaration on Ukraine war

PM Modi had announced that a consensus had been reached hours after India circulated a new text to the G20 countries to describe the Ukraine conflict.

September 09, 2023 07:17 am | Updated 06:35 pm IST

(L-R) European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman, India's Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Joe Biden attend a session as part of the G20 Leaders' Summit at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on September 9, 2023.

(L-R) European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen, Saudi Arabia’s Crown Prince and Prime Minister Mohammed bin Salman, India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Joe Biden attend a session as part of the G20 Leaders’ Summit at the Bharat Mandapam in New Delhi on September 9, 2023.
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The Group of 20 countries have adopted the New Delhi declaration, a significant victory for India’s G-20 presidency that came amid increasing tensions and divergent views over the Ukraine conflict.

The announcement about the consensus on the declaration and its subsequent adoption came hours after India circulated a new text to the G-20 countries to describe the Ukraine conflict.

Top leaders of the world’s wealthiest economies are deliberating over pressing global challenges at the G-20 Summit in New Delhi.

Majority of priorities of the Indian G-20 presidency were aimed at benefiting the Global South or the developing countries. After much negotiation, the leaders’ declaration was drafted and adopted as all leaders have reached a consensus on the wording of the Ukraine conflict.

Earlier in the day, in a significant milestone, the African Union became a new permanent member of the grouping. It is the first expansion of the influential bloc since its inception in 1999.

Also Read | G-20 Summit September 8, 2023 updates

In his inaugural remarks at the Summit, PM Narendra Modi asked the President of the Union of Comoros and Chairperson of the African Union (AU), Azali Assoumani, to join other leaders at the high table, making the 55-member bloc the second multi-nation grouping after the European Union to be a permanent member of the G-20.

The prime minister told the gathering that it had become a people’s G-20 in India with over 200 events held in more than 60 cities.

Mr. Modi will be holding more than 15 bilateral meetings over the two days. On Friday, he held discussions with U.S. President Joe Biden.

The leaders attending the summit include German Chancellor Olaf Scholz, French President Emmanuel Macron, British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, his Italian counterpart Giorgia Meloni, South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.

However, Chinese President Xi Jinping and Russian President Vladimir Putin are not attending the summit.

(With inputs from agencies)

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  • September 09, 2023 18:30

    G-20 first spouses see breakthroughs in Indian agriculture at IARI, enjoy farm-to-fork millet experience

    As many as 15 spouses of G-20 leaders including Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida’s wife, Yoko Kishida, on September 9 visited the 1,200-acre PUSA-Indian Agricultural Research Institute (IARI) campus in New Delhi — the seat of India’s Green Revolution — and saw the breakthroughs in Indian agriculture and enjoyed the farm-to-fork millet experience.

    Read more here…

  • September 09, 2023 18:28

    Highlights of G-20 leaders’ declaration on first day of summit

    Following are excerpts from the declaration (for full official text click here)


    • Concerning war in Ukraine, all states must act in a manner consistent with purposes and principles of UN charter in its entirety.

    • On war in Ukraine, all states must refrain from threat or use of force to seek territorial acquisition against territorial integrity and sovereignty or political independence of any state.

    • On war in Ukraine, use or threat of use of nuclear weapons is inadmissible

    • On Ukraine crisis, “there were different views and assessments of the situation”

    • Peaceful resolution of conflicts, and efforts to address crises as well as diplomacy and dialogue are critical.

    • “Today’s era must not be of war.”


    • Calls on Russia and Ukraine to ensure immediate and unimpeded deliveries of grain, foodstuffs, and fertilizers/inputs from Russia and Ukraine
    • Emphasizing importance of sustaining food and energy security, called for cessation of military destruction or other attacks on relevant infrastructure

    • Potential for high levels of volatility in food and energy markets remains


    • “Will protect the vulnerable, through promoting equitable growth and enhancing macroeconomic and financial stability”
    • Reaffirm April 2021 exchange rate commitment made by our finance ministers and cenbank governors

    • Our finance ministers, central bank governors will discuss taking forward the cryptocurrency roadmap at their meeting in October

    • Renew our commitment to ensure a level-playing field and fair competition by discouraging protectionism, market distorting practices

    • We endorse financial stability board’s high-level recommendations for regulation, supervision and oversight of crypto-assets, activities


    • Need to accelerate efforts to phasedown unabated coal power, in line with national circumstances
    • Will work towards facilitating low-cost financing for developing countries to support their transition to low carbon/emissions
    • Will pursue and encourage efforts to triple renewable energy capacity globally through existing targets and policies, in line with national circumstances by 2030
    • Reiterate our commitment to take action to scale up sustainable finance
    • Reiterate use of carbon pricing and non-pricing mechanisms and incentives toward carbon neutrality and net zero
    • Recognise need for increased global investments to meet our climate goals of the Paris agreement
    • Note need of $5.8-5.9 trln in pre-2030 period required for developing countries, in particular for their needs to implement their emission targets
    • Calls on parties to set an ambitious, transparent, and trackable New Collective Quantified Goal of climate finance in 2024, from a floor of $100 billion a year


    • Commit to promoting resilient growth by urgently and effectively addressing debt vulnerabilities in developing countries
    • Call for swift conclusion of the debt treatment for Ethiopia


    • Remain committed to strengthening global health architecture
    • Will enhance resilience of health systems and support development of climate-resilient and low-carbon health systems in collaboration with multilateral development banks (MDBs)


  • September 09, 2023 18:18

    G-20 acknowledges insufficiency in global climate ambition

    G-20 countries, under India’s presidency, on Saturday highlighted the insufficiency of global ambition and implementation in addressing climate change to achieve the temperature objectives outlined in the Paris Agreement.

    The bloc has called on all nations yet to align their nationally determined contributions (NDCs) with the Paris Agreement’s temperature objectives to reconsider and strengthen their 2030 targets within the framework of their unique national circumstances by the end of 2023.

    The G-20’s declaration, released at the Leaders’ Summit in New Delhi, expressed concern about the current state of global efforts to combat climate change, stating, “We note with concern that global ambition and implementation to address climate change remain insufficient to achieve the temperature goal of the Paris Agreement to hold the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels, and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.”

    “We will urgently accelerate our actions to address development and climate challenges, promote Lifestyles for Sustainable Development (LiFE), and conserve biodiversity, forests, and oceans,” they vowed.


  • September 09, 2023 18:13

    China asks G-20 countries to resolutely advance economic globalisation; calls for unity & cooperation

    Chinese Premier Li Qiang on Saturday underlined the need for unity amongst the G20 members and called for cooperation, inclusion and resolute support for economic globalisation.

    Addressing the first session of the 18th G20 Summit in New Delhi, Premier Li said the influential grouping needs “unity instead of division, cooperation instead of confrontation, and inclusion instead of exclusion.”

    Li urged the G20 members to resolutely promote economic globalisation and jointly maintain the stability and smoothness of industrial and supply chains, China’s state-run Xinhua news agency reported.

    The G20 members should stick to the original aspiration of unity and cooperation, and shoulder the responsibility of the times for peace and development, he said.


  • September 09, 2023 18:12

    ‘Lot of hard work’ before U.K.-India trade deal: Sunak

    “There is a lot of hard work” to do before the UK strikes a trade deal with India, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said Saturday at the G20 leaders’ summit in New Delhi.

    “There is a desire on both of our parts to see a successful trade deal concluded,” Sunak told UK media at the event.

    “The opportunities are there for both countries, but there is a lot of hard work that is still to go,” he added.

    The two countries have been negotiating a post-Brexit trade pact for more than two years, but missed previously hoped-for deadlines to conclude it.


  • September 09, 2023 18:00

    Biden rallies G-20 nations to boost World Bank support for low- and middle-income countries

    U.S. President Joe Biden has rallied G20 nations to agree to collectively mobilise more headroom and concessional finance to boost the World Bank’s capacity to support low- and middle-income countries, the White House said on Saturday.

    “We are aiming for our joint contributions to deliver a one-time boost to IBRD (International Bank for Reconstruction and Development) equivalent to three times the World Bank’s annual non-concessional lending volume, and to double IDA’s crisis lending capacity,” the White House said in a press statement.

    This initiative, it said, will make the World Bank a stronger institution that is able to provide resources at the scale and speed needed to tackle global challenges and address the urgent needs of the poorest countries.

    “In New Delhi, President Biden rallied G20 partners to agree to collectively mobilise more headroom and concessional finance to boost the World Bank’s capacity to support low- and middle-income countries,” the statement said.


  • September 09, 2023 17:51

    One Earth, One Family, One Future, the focus of this partnership: U.S. President Biden

    “This is a big deal. One Earth, One Family, One Future — that’s the focus of this G-20 summit, and in many ways is also the focus of this partnership. Building sustainable, resilient infrastructure, making quality infra investments and creating a better future. A future that represents greater opporunity, prosperity and diginity for everyone,” says U.S. President Joe Biden

  • September 09, 2023 17:47

    Launch of India Middle East Europe Economic Corridor by PM Modi, Crown Prince Bin Salman and US President Joe Biden and Ursula von der Leyen of EU

  • September 09, 2023 17:44

    PM Modi addresses the India-Middle East-Europe Economics Corridor & Partnership for Global Infrastructure & Investment Event

    The project is part of an initiative called the Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment.

    The rail and shipping corridor would help to physically tie together a vast stretch of the globe, improving digital connectivity and enabling more trade among countries, including with energy products such as hydrogen. Although White House officials did not set a timeline for its completion, the corridor would provide a physical and ideological alternative to China’s own nation-spanning infrastructure program.


  • September 09, 2023 17:33

    China was very supportive of the various outcomes: EAM Jaishankar

    Responding to a question on the absence of Chinese President Xi Jinping from the G-20 summit, EAM Jaishankar says: It’s for every country to decide at what level they will be represented. I don’t think one should overly read meanings into it. What I think is important is what is the position that country has taken, how much that country has contributed to the deliberations and the outcomes, and I would say that China was very supportive of the various outcomes.

  • September 09, 2023 17:21

    New Delhi declaration will have an impact as soon as the understanding is executed and grain movement starts from Russia and Ukraine: Sitharaman

    On whether the New Delhi summit will help contain global inflation and spur growth, Ms. Sitharaman said: “On inflation, globally, it will have an impact as soon as the understanding is executed and grain movement starts from Russia and Ukraine. As a result, inflation in food grains should cool off. Domestically, we don’t depend so much on imports for grains, apart from sunflower oil, our imports are not so much dependent on those two countries. And to the extent vegetable oil is concerned, there may be some relief. But largely, India’s domestic inflation is impacted by the vagaries of monsoon and supply side issues, not so much as other countries that depend a more on grains imports for consumption.”

    Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 17:11

    Country-specific solutions will now be possible, says FM Sitharaman on climate finance

    On climate finance, we have dealt with mitigation as well as adaptation and resilience. Second, country-specific solutions will now be possible and won’t be a one-size-fits-all prescription to cope with climate change, says Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

    Third, pricing and non-pricing tools can now be adopted by countries with different carbon emission levels.

    Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 17:09

    Under Russia-Ukraine crisis, India worked very closely with Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia: Amitabh Kant

    “Under Russia-Ukraine crisis, India worked very closely with Brazil, South Africa, and Indonesia. I want to say that it was the emerging markets that played a very key role. There were tough, ruthless negotiations that went on. I feel that in the end the issue was clinched because of the leadership of the Prime Minister, eventually we had to say that the leader wants it and this has to be delivered,” says Sherpa Amitabh Kant

  • September 09, 2023 17:05

    Sought to ensure that the concerns of Global South constitute the core agenda of the G-20 deliberations: Jaishankar

    On the Global South, he says that what India has tried to do is seek to ensure that the concerns constitute the core agenda of the G-20 deliberations. After the pandemic, Russia-Ukraine conflict, climate events, the fact is that the countries of the global south are in deep economic distress, and that has not been fully recognised till now. We therefore very consciously started out with the Voice of the Global South summit, Mr. Jaishankar says.

  • September 09, 2023 17:01

    Many discussions going on, on Black Sea grain corridor: Jaishankar

    On the issue of Black Sea Grain corridor, he says there are many discussions going on. He points out that the Russian FM, President of Turkiye, U.N. Sec-Gen are present at the summit.

    In the past, when the corridor was created, we had also contributed in our own way at Bali to bridge viewpoints between Russia and Turkey and worked with the UN Secretary General.

  • September 09, 2023 16:59

    Considerable time was spent in regard to geo-political issues: EAM Jaishankar

    Responding to questions from the media, EAM Jaishankar says that a considerable time was spent in regard to geo-political issues, which really centred around the war in Ukraine.

    The emerging markets took a particular lead on this, he says adding that there are four developing countries in succession taking over the presidency of G-20.

  • September 09, 2023 16:55

    Leaders recognised that they can have significant implications for the global economy: EAM Jaishankar

    “While noting that the G20 is not the forum to resolve geopolitical and security issues, the leaders recognised that they can have significant implications for the global economy. In particular, they dwelt on the ongoing war in Ukraine, and the impact it has had especially on developing and least developing nations still recovering from the pandemic and economic disruption,” External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar says.

    The 3 Fs – Food, Fuel, and Fertilisers — were issues of special concern, he adds.

    Another subject addressed by them was countering terrorism and money laundering. The leaders condemned them in all forms and manifestations and recognised that it constitutes one of the more serious threats to international peace and security.

    So in conclusion, all G20 members have come to New Delhi with a sense of responsibility of addressing the most pressing global challenges. Speaking for India, we are clear that no one left behind is as much a foreign policy goal as it is a domestic goal, and it should be a global goal.

    Obviously, there are differing interests and viewpoints at play with regard to the various issues under discussion. However, we have been able to find common ground on all of them. As a result, we can justifiably state that under PM Narendra Modi’s guidance, the New Delhi Summit has given clear directions for the growth and development of the global economy in the years ahead.

    Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:53

    This has been an inclusive G-20: Sherpa Amitabh Kant

    There is a huge focus on inclusive and resilient growth in this entire statement, and I think one of the biggest achievements is the Women-led development with a massive focus on gender empowerment and gender-inequality, nutrition and well-being, and we have created a new group on empowerment of women which Brazil will carry forward.

    The G20 leaders are focused on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity and there has been a huge focus on developing emerging markets. No G20 document has ever had so much focus on developing emerging markets and the Global South as per their priorities. This document also condemns terrorism and denies safe havens for terrorists.

    This has been an inclusive G20, where the leaders give a direction to global agendas, and more than anything else, it has amplified the voice of the Global South and demonstrated that India can bring the world together to act on global issues.

    Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:52

    Amitabh Kant provides updates on the Sherpa Track:

    The New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration has 83 paras in all which have got full consensus. There are 8 paras on geopolitical issues which have also got full consensus. This is the one declaration with no footnotes and no Chair’s Summary. This demonstrates the PM and India’s capacity to bring everyone together on the same table, China and Russia included, and get a consensus, says Mr. Amitabh Kant.

    This is the most successful G20 summit ever as the number of outcomes are 112, which is 2.5 times what has ever been achieved before.

    Third, this declaration has a huge Indian narrative and footprint, whether it is the Goa roadmap for tourism or the Jaipur call for helping MSMEs, which will be a huge footprint of India on G20.

    We have achieved a major Green Development Pact in today’s world on climate finance and climate action with a lot of components for a greener world of tomorrow.

    Secondly, there is a huge focus on accelerating progress on the Sustainable Development Goals because the Covid pandemic had affected people a lot.

    Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:50

    Assure the upcoming Brazilian presidency of our strong support: Sitharaman

    India has received tremendous support from G20 members across the table. We assure the upcoming Brazilian presidency of our strong support and to continue the momentum on global issues of critical importance, says Ms. Sitharaman

  • September 09, 2023 16:49

    Mechanism to support the timely and adequate mobilisation of resources for climate finance: Sitharaman

    There is a mechanism to support the timely and adequate mobilisation of resources for climate finance. Till date, the discussion was focused on asking the developed countries where is there 100 billion dollars that was promised and didn’t come.

    Facilitating access to multilateral climate finance and private funding has been our focus

    Scaling up sustainable finance for social sectors like health and education, technical assistance for capacity building, and enhancing Finance Health Collaboration for dealing with new challenges.

    Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:49

    Debt restructuring for vulnerable countries has made good progress: Sitharaman

    Debt restructuring for vulnerable countries under the common framework has made good progress under India’s presidency for three countries and outside the framework for Sri Lanka, says Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.

    The Financing of Cities of Tomorrow, a key concern of low-income countries and emerging markets, will be promoted through socially inclusive, environmentally responsible and economically sustainable urban development financing, she adds.

    Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:47

    Global consensus is emerging on regulatory framework for crypto assets: Sitharaman

    The presidency will help the IMF and the FSB is formulating contours for a global regulatory framework. The IMF-FSB synthesis paper delves into how the framework will fit together and interact with each other.

    The Financial Inclusion and Productivity Gains through Digital Public Infrastructure. We have embedded the India Stack concept in the G20 Financial Inclusion agenda.

    The G20 Financial Inclusion Action Plan that will run through 2024 to 2026 will be a strong legacy of the Indian presidency.

    Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:45

    FM Sitharaman shares key achievements of the Finance Track

    “First is to strengthen the Multilateral Development Banks. There are four key highlights: Agreement on the need for better, bigger, and more effective MDBs because the developmental demand from around the world is so high. This will also help enhance the voice of the developing countries in MDBs.”

    “Second, the G-20 expert group on reforming MDBs, the first volume of the group’s report is in which talks about a triple agenda.”

    “Third, boosting the World Bank’s financial capacity, to help low-income and middle-income countries better.”

    “Fourth, setting up a roadmap for capital adequacy framework of the MDBs, which can potentially yield additional financing headroom of approximately $200 billion over the next decade,” she said.

    -Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:40

    Indian presidency has crafted outcomes that are acceptable to all: Nirmala Sitharaman

    Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman briefs the media: “Under the guidance of Honourable Prime Minister, India’s G-20 presidency has worked for the theme One Earth, One Family, One Future.”

    “Today, we are in the position to adopt a people-centric far-sighted approach.”

    “It has been very clear in our mind that no one should be left behind in the search for global solutions.”

    “The G-20 is a very diverse group with each country at different development levels. So through well-curated debates and careful assimilation of all priorities, the Indian presidency has crafted outcomes that are acceptable to all.”

    “We assumed the presidency at a challenging time of geopolitics. We have worked to ensure that these don’t overshadow the solutions needed for the world,” she said.

    -Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:36

    G-20 made India world-ready: EAM Jaishankar

    “We have consciously sought to make this G-20 as broad-based and consultative as possible. It is a matter of particular satisfaction for us that the African Union has become a permanent member of the G-20,” said External Affairs Minister S. Jaishankar.

    “At the beginning of our presidency, on PM Narendra Modi’s initiative, 125 countries were consulted to frame the voice of the global South.”

    “The interest in G-20 proceedings has been particularly strong among our youth. The G-20 has contributed to making India world-ready and the world India-ready.”

    “The transformative and inclusive role of technology has been highlighted with a focus on Digital Public Infrastructure. The Indian presidency’s proposal for a One Future Alliance has been noted.”

    “As you can see, there have been many far-reaching and consequential policy decisions that have been agreed upon today,” he said.

    -Vikas Dhoot

  • September 09, 2023 16:30

    G-20 adopts New Delhi Leaders’ Declaration

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday announced the adoption of the New Delhi Leaders Declaration, a significant victory for India’s G-20 presidency that came amid increasing tensions and divergent views over the Ukraine conflict.

    The announcement about the consensus on the declaration and its subsequent adoption came hours after India circulated a new text to the G20 countries to describe the Ukraine conflict.

    “Friends, we have just got good news, with the hard work of our teams, and with the cooperation of you all, there is consensus on the New Delhi G-20 Summit Leaders Declaration,” Mr. Modi told the leaders at the summit.

    “I announce that this declaration is adopted (Banged the gavel thrice),” he announced.


    Click here to read the declaration document

  • September 09, 2023 16:09

    European Commission urges G20 countries to set ambitious climate targets for 2030

    The European Commission on Saturday urged G20 countries to agree to global targets on tripling renewable energy capacity and doubling energy efficiency by 2030, seen as critical to limiting the global average temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius.

    Addressing the “One Earth” session, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasised the urgency of addressing climate change, saying: “Climate change is man-made. So, it means we can fix it.” She underscored the disproportionate impact of climate change, noting that G20 countries are responsible for a staggering 80 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, while Africa, with less than 4% of emissions, is among the most affected.

    The European Commission president reminded the G20 countries that “we are about to miss our objective of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees”.

    “So, it is absolutely critical that we maintain our path of 1.5 degrees. Only what gets measured gets done, we know this principle. We need to triple renewable energy capacity and double energy efficiency until 2030 if we are to reach our goal of limiting temperature increases to 1.5 degrees,” she said.


  • September 09, 2023 16:04

    India, Japan keen to step up ties in connectivity, commerce: PM Modi

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a bilateral meeting with his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida on the sidelines of the G20 Summit here on Saturday.

    Modi said India and Japan were eager to enhance cooperation in connectivity, commerce and other sectors.

    “Held productive talks with PM Kishida. We took stock of India-Japan bilateral ties and the ground covered during India’s G20 Presidency and Japan’s G7 Presidency. We are eager to enhance cooperation in connectivity, commerce and other sectors,” Modi said on X.


  • September 09, 2023 15:58

    China’s premier says G20 countries should drive global recovery -Xinhua

    China’s Premier Li Qiang said on Saturday that G20 countries should work together to promote a global economic recovery, Xinhua news agency said.

    Mr. Li, who is in New Delhi attending the G20 Summit, also said G20 countries should step up economic policy coordination, Xinhua said. Mr. Li also affirmed Beijing’s commitments to reforms and opening up.


  • September 09, 2023 15:33

    Consensus reached on New Delhi declaration: PM Modi

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi announced that there is consensus on the New Delhi declaration. PM proposed the declaration be adopted.

  • September 09, 2023 15:28

    India launches global biofuel alliance at G-20 summit

    India announced the launch of a global biofuel alliance at a G-20 summit in New Delhi to boost the use of cleaner fuels. “We are launching the Global Biofuel Alliance. India invites all of you to join this initiative,” Prime Minister Narendra Modi said in his remarks to leaders from the Group of 20 major economies at the summit.

  • September 09, 2023 14:55

    Rishi Sunak signs new strategic pact with Singapore

    British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has agreed a new strategic partnership with Singapore during a meeting with Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong on the margins of the G-20 Summit.

    Following the new U.K.-Singapore Strategic Partnership, Downing Street said both countries will work to conclude a “new and modern” bilateral investment treaty – the first the UK has negotiated since Brexit.

    The pact is expected to give Singaporean companies more confidence to invest in the U.K. and vice-versa, creating jobs and growth for both economies.

    “This new agreement with Singapore will take us even further in delivering our priorities and ensure that, as we map the future of the world economy, we are doing so alongside our closest partners,” said Mr. Sunak in a statement from Delhi.


  • September 09, 2023 14:49

    Bihar CM Nitish Kumar arrives in Delhi to attend G-20 Summit dinner

    Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar arrived at the Indira Gandhi International (IGI) Airport in New Delhi today to attend the G-20 dinner.

    Mr. Kumar made his way to the airport with a sense of anticipation and enthusiasm. When asked about his attendance at the G-20 dinner, he stated, “I have come here to attend the G-20 dinner on the invitation of President Droupadi Murmu.”


  • September 09, 2023 14:31

    Glimpses from G-20 Summit

  • September 09, 2023 14:24

    Post-Covid global reconstruction unique opportunity to create sustainable societies: South African President

  • September 09, 2023 14:22

    India ready to offer all possible assistance to earthquake-hit Morocco: PM Modi

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday expressed grief at the loss of lives in an earthquake in Morocco and said India is ready to offer all possible assistance to it in this difficult time.

    A powerful earthquake that struck Morocco late Friday killed more than 600 people.

    Mr. Modi began his opening remarks at the G20 summit by offering condolences to those affected by the tragedy. “In this difficult hour the entire world community is with Morocco and we are ready to offer them all possible assistance,” he said.

    Moroccans posted videos showing buildings reduced to rubble and dust and parts of the famous red walls that surround the old city in historic Marrakech, a UNESCO World Heritage site, damaged.


  • September 09, 2023 14:09

    MHA denies claims that Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh CMs were denied permission to land in Delhi

    The MHA has denied claims that Chief Ministers of Rajasthan and Chhattisgarh were denied permission to land at Delhi airport to participate in G-20 Dinner at Leaders’ Summit on September 9.

    “In a news report, Rajasthan Chief Minister has claimed denial of approval for his helicopter flight by the MHA. Four requests were received from CM Rajasthan for flight permissions, including for Sikar, and all were approved by the MHA. No request from CM Rajasthan has been denied. While all scheduled flights of commercial Aircrafts and movement of Governors and State Chief Ministers on their State aircrafts are allowed, private chartered flights require specific MHA approval.”

    “In a news report, Chief Minister Chhattisgarh has expressed his inability to participate in G-20 Dinner at Leaders’ Summit at Delhi on Sept 9 due to air restrictions in and around Delhi. MHA has clarified to the State that while a high tech security air cover has been deployed for G20 Leaders’ Summit at Delhi on September 8-11, movement of Governors and State Chief Ministers on their State aircrafts are allowed,” said the MHA.

  • September 09, 2023 14:00

    France’s Macron arrives in India for G20 summit: President’s office

    French President Emmanuel Macron touched down in New Delhi for the G20 summit, his office said.

    Mr. Macron is due to have bilateral meetings over the two-day summit with Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva among others, according to his office.


  • September 09, 2023 13:53

    Turkey’s Erdogan spoke with Japan’s Kishida to revive Black Sea grain deal

    Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan held talks with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida on the sidelines of the G-20 summit to revive the Black Sea grain deal, according to two sources with knowledge of the matter.

    Russia quit the deal in July — a year after it was brokered by the United Nations and Turkey — complaining that its own food and fertiliser exports faced obstacles and that not enough Ukrainian grain was going to countries in need.


  • September 09, 2023 13:42

    Naveen Patnaik to skip G-20 dinner

    Odisha Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik will skip the G-20 dinner being hosted by President Droupadi Murmu on the opening day of the international mega event in New Delhi on Saturday, official sources said.

    The chief minister’s office (CMO), however, did not cite any reason behind Patnaik skipping the G-20 programme.

    The president has invited all cabinet and state ministers and secretaries to the Government Of India apart from the chief ministers of the states.


  • September 09, 2023 13:29

    India circulates new paragraph among G20 nations to describe Ukraine crisis in leaders’ declaration

    India on Saturday circulated a new paragraph among the G20 countries to describe the Ukraine conflict in the joint leaders’ declaration to be unveiled at the end of the two-day summit of the grouping, diplomatic sources said.

    With consensus eluding on the paragraph relating to the Ukraine conflict, India on Friday circulated a draft summit declaration among the member countries without the paragraph on the geopolitical issue in an attempt to hammer out a positive outcome.

    India’s circulation of the new text on Ukraine came as the G20 leaders began deliberations on pressing global challenges on the first day of the annual summit of the bloc.

    A lack of consensus on the text on Ukraine may result in the summit ending without a joint declaration, which will be a first for the grouping.


  • September 09, 2023 12:41

    Defining milestone towards charting more inclusive compositions: Sunil Mittal on African Union joining G-20

    As the African Union joined the G-20 on Saturday, Sunil Mittal, Founder and Chairman of Bharti Enterprises said the day will be remembered as a “defining milestone” towards charting more inclusive compositions across international organisations and their bodies.

    Mittal congratulated Prime Minister Narendra Modi “for successfully leading the inclusion of the African Union as a permanent member of the G-20”.


  • September 09, 2023 12:39

    G-20 Summit Chief Coordinator Harsh Vardhan Shringla visits Crafts Bazaar at Bharat Mandapam

    G-20 Summit Chief Coordinator Harsh Vardhan Shringla on Saturday said that the products of the ‘craft bazaar’ installed at the Summit venue, Bharat Mandapam are going to be popular as they are being showcased at a global stage.

    Shringla arrived at the exhibition centre at Bharat Mandapam early in the morning.


  • September 09, 2023 12:31

    G-20 | African Union becomes permanent member under India’s presidency

    The African Union (AU) on Saturday became a permanent member of the Group of 20 largest economies (G-20) of the world with Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing its ​entry into the top global body​.

    In his opening remarks at the inaugural session of the two-day G20 Summit, Mr. Modi made the announcement welcoming the 55-nation AU as the new member of the grouping. Read more ​here​.

  • September 09, 2023 12:10

    A warm hug

    Prime Miniter Narendra Modi hugs the President of the Union of Comoros and Chariperson of the African Union (AU) Azali Assoumani at the G-20 meeting in New Delhi on September 9, 2023. Photo credit: PTI

  • September 09, 2023 11:46

    African Union becomes permanent member of G-20 under India’s presidency

    The African Union (AU) on Saturday became a permanent member of the Group of 20 largest economies (G20) of the world with Prime Minister Narendra Modi announcing its entry into the top global body. In his opening remarks at the inaugural session of the two-day G20 Summit, Modi made the announcement welcoming the 55-nation AU as the new member of the grouping.

    Shortly after the announcement, Union of Comoros President and AU chairperson Azali Assoumani took the seat as a full member of the G-20.

    “In keeping with the sentiment of sabka saath (with everyone), India had proposed that the African Union should be given permanent membership of the G-20. I believe we all are in agreement on this proposal. With your agreement (he banged the gavel thrice)…,” Mr. Modi said. “Before we start our work, I invite the AU president as a permanent member to take his position,” he said. – PTI

  • September 09, 2023 11:33

    PM Modi identified as leader representing Bharat at G-20 meet

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi was identified as the leader representing ‘Bharat’ at the G20 Summit here on Saturday as he made his opening remarks at the beginning of the two-day meeting.

    The government has used ‘Bharat’, a name used in the Constitution for the country along with India, in several official G-20 documents. Official sources have said it is a conscious decision.

    The name card in front of Modi as he addressed the gathering at the Bharat Mandapam, the venue of the Summit, said ‘Bharat’.

    A dinner invite has been sent to G-20 delegates and other guests from ‘President of Bharat’, a move which ignited a political row with opposition parties claiming the government is trying to drop ‘India’ from the country’s name. They also linked the move to their decision to name their alliance INDIA.


  • September 09, 2023 11:33

    G-20 summit kicks off; leaders begin deliberations on pressing challenges facing globe

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi, US President Joe Biden and other top leaders of the world’s wealthiest economies began deliberations on pressing global challenges at the G-20 Summit here on Saturday under the shadow of the Ukraine war that has significantly fragmented the global geopolitical order.

    Hosting the big-ticket summit for the first time, India is looking at producing tangible results in areas of financing for climate transition, digital public infrastructure, accelerated implementation of sustainable development goals, framework for cryptocurrency and reform of the international financial institutions.

    Majority of priorities of the Indian G-20 presidency were aimed at benefiting the Global South or the developing countries. Indian negotiators involved in drafting the leaders’ declaration are confident that most of New Delhi’s proposals would be endorsed by the top leadership of the grouping.


  • September 09, 2023 11:18

    India, Saudi Arabia to re-energise ties on the sideline of G20 summit

    On the sideline of the G20 summit, Saudi Arabia and India are likely to hold important meetings reflecting bilateral priorities. The exchanges are scheduled to be led by Crown Prince and Prime Minister of Saudi Arabia Mohammed Bin Salman who will participate in the G20 summit during the weekend and stay on for a State visit on Monday, September 11, when he is expected meet Prime Minister Narendra Modi and President Droupadi Murmu. There are also reports that in the backdrop of the G20 summit, Saudi Arabia and India are in talks with the US and the UAE for an infrastructure connectivity project. Read more ​here​.

  • September 09, 2023 11:06

    170 guests on list of G20 special dinner to be hosted by President Murmu

    A total of 170 guests are on the list of special invitees of the G20 dinner hosted by President Draupadi Murmu in the national capital.

    Apart from foriegn leaders and heads of delegates, Chief ministers of all the states, cabinet and state ministers, secretaries in the Central government, and other distinguished guests have been invited to the gala dinner that will be held at the multi-function hall of the Bharat Mandapam on Saturday (September 9).

    The event’s host, President Murmu, Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar with his wife Sudesh Dhankhar, Prime Minister Narendra Modi, former President Ram Nath Kovind, and former Vice President M Venkaiah Naidu will join the dinner party.

    However, leaders from other political parties have not been invited.


  • September 09, 2023 11:05

    India invites African Union to join G-20

    India offered to make African Union a permanent G-20 member. Mr. Modi said, “I am confident all members would agree to this proposal. With support from all of you, I invite African Union to join the G-20.”

    The offer received thunderous applause by world leaders at Summit.


  • September 09, 2023 11:00

    It is people’s G-20 in India: PM Modi

    As G-20 Summit began in New Delhi, PM Modi in his address said, “It is time for all of us to walk together for the global good. As G20 president, India appeals to the entire world to turn trust deficit to confidence in each other. It has become people’s G20 in India, over 200 events held in more than 60 cities.”


  • September 09, 2023 10:56

    Idea of ‘sabka saath, sabka vikas, sabka vishwas, sabka prayas’ can be guide to the world: PM Modi on day one of G20 Summit. (PTI)

  • September 09, 2023 10:56

    If we can defeat Covid, we can also triumph over the trust deficit caused by the war: PM Modi at G20 Summit. (PTI)

  • September 09, 2023 10:55

    African Union to be permanent member of the bloc, confirms PM Modi (Reuters)

  • September 09, 2023 10:54

    Whole world is with Morocco in this hour of grief, we are ready to provide all possible help: Modi on earthquake in the African nation. (PTI)

  • September 09, 2023 10:54

    We live in times when age old problems are seeking answers, need to fulfill our responsibilities with human-centric approach: PM Modi. (PTI)

  • September 09, 2023 10:54

    Post-Covid world suffering from trust deficit, and the war has deepened it further: PM Modi (PTI)

  • September 09, 2023 10:36

    Biden and Modi to announce rail and shipping project to link India to Middle East and Europe

    President Joe Biden and his allies plan to roll out plans on Saturday for a shipping corridor that would connect India with the Middle East and ultimately Europe — a possible game changer for global trade to be announced at the Group of 20 summit.

    The proposed memorandum of understanding for a shipping and rail transportation corridor would include the United States, India, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, the European Union and other countries in the G20, said Jon Finer, the president’s deputy national security adviser.

    Biden and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi plan to announce the project as part of the Partnership for Global Infrastructure Investment. The rail and shipping corridor would enable greater trade among the countries, including energy products. It could also be one of the more ambitious counters to China’s own belt and road initiative that sought to connect more of the world to that country’s economy.


  • September 09, 2023 10:29

    German Chancellor Scholz, Saudi Crown Prince arrive for G20 Summit

    erman Chancellor Olaf Scholz, Saudi Arabian Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and World Health Organisation (WHO) chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus arrived here on Saturday morning to attend the two-day G20 Summit.

    Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman was received by Union minister Ashwini Vaishnaw.

    A host of other leaders, including US President Joe Biden, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva and UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, arrived on Friday for the summit that will be held over the weekend.


  • September 09, 2023 10:20

    Konark Wheel replica serves as backdrop of PM Modi’s welcome handshake with G20 leaders

    A replica of Konark Wheel from the Sun temple in Odisha’s Puri served as the backdrop of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s welcome handshake with G20 leaders as they arrived at the summit venue, Bharat Mandapam, here on Saturday.

    The Konark Wheel was built during the 13th century under the reign of King Narasimhadeva-I. The wheel with 24 spokes, which has also been adapted into the Tricolour, embodies India’s ancient wisdom, advanced civilisation and architectural excellence.

    Its rotating motion symbolises time, ‘Kaalchakra’, as well as progress and continuous change.


  • September 09, 2023 10:14

    G20 Summit: Security checks intensified across Delhi

    Security checks were intensified across the national capital on Saturday morning ahead of the two-day meeting of top world leaders scheduled to begin later in the day.

    A multi-layer security cover has been put in place around the Pragati Maidan area in central Delhi where the summit is taking place while vehicle checking in New Delhi and bordering areas has been intensified.

    Dog squad and mounted morchas with binoculars have also been deployed to keep a hawk’s eye on the security arrangements at the venue and the entire New Delhi district.

    The New Delhi district has been heavily barricaded with police checking all vehicles and IDs of those entering.

    New Delhi district has been designated as Controlled Zone-I from Friday 5 am till Sunday 11.59 pm due to the summit.

    Police have urged people not to visit India Gate and Kartavya Path for walking or cycling. While the movement of vehicles is being regulated in the area, ambulances have been permitted to operate.


  • September 09, 2023 09:53

    PM Modi welcomes world leaders at G20 venue

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Saturday welcomed world leaders at Bharat Mandapam where the G20 summit will begin shortly.

    UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, International Monetary Fund (IMF) Managing Director and Chairman Kristalina Georgieva and World Trade Organisation (WTO) Director General Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala were among the first to arrive.

    Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina also arrived at the newly built venue at Pragati Maidan here.

    Modi welcomed the world leaders against the backdrop of the replica of the Konark Wheel, a 13th-century artefact symbolising time, progress and continuous change.


  • September 09, 2023 09:35

    Heads of Delegations begin to gather at Bharat Mandapam

    The highly anticipated historic G20 Leader’s Summit begins today, September 9, in the country’s capital city. The world leaders who have arrived in Delhi have gathered at the Bharat Mandapam International Exhibition and Convention Centre.

    The first session of the G20 Summit would begin at around 10:30 am under this year’s theme ‘One Earth’. This global meeting, a culmination of various ministries, meetings and the engagement of different groups that happened throughout the year, aims to address key issues around the globe.


  • September 09, 2023 09:28

    India hopes for progress on global agenda as G20 leaders meet despite rifts over the war in Ukraine

    Leaders of many of the world’s biggest economies prepared to huddle in the Indian capital for the Group of Twenty summit Saturday, though growing global rifts and the absence of key players meant that reaching consensus on the thorniest issues could prove elusive.

    At least a fifth of G20 heads were not in New Delhi. The leaders of Russia and China opted not to come, ensuring no tough face-to-face conversations with their American and European counterparts over multiple disputes, most acutely the war in Ukraine. Spain’s president couldn’t make it due to COVID-19, and Mexico’s president decided to miss it, too. AP

  • September 09, 2023 09:16

    President Murmu welcomes all delegates

  • September 09, 2023 08:50

    Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to visit India on September 9

    Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, the Crown Prince and Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will visit India from September 9-11 to attend the G20 Summit and will continue his stay in India on September 11 for the State visit: MEA


  • September 09, 2023 08:48

    Bharat Mandapam kept plastic-free

    G 20 in India | Bharat Mandapam kept plastic-free as part of the eco-friendly initiative.

  • September 09, 2023 08:46

    Supreme Court metro state to be shut from 5.a.m. to 11 p.m.

    WhatsApp Image 2023-09-09 at 07.10.07.jpeg

  • September 09, 2023 08:37

    Watch | The Hindu at G-20 Summit, Delhi

    Why did Chinese President Xi Jinping decide to skip the G20 summit in New Delhi? Is he facing domestic push back on the economic situation in China? The Hindu’s China Correspondent Ananth Krishnan discussed these questions and more with us.

  • September 09, 2023 08:00

    Road restrictions in Delhi

    WhatsApp Image 2023-09-09 at 07.10.06 (1).jpeg

  • September 09, 2023 08:00

    PM Modi, President Biden welcome progress in defence ties

    Prime Minister Narendra Modi and U.S. President Joe Biden on Friday welcomed the completion of the notification process in the U.S. Congress on August 29 for a commercial agreement between General Electric Aerospace and Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd. (HAL) to manufacture GE F-414 jet engines in India and the commencement of the negotiations. The leaders lauded the settlement of the seventh and last outstanding World Trade Organization (WTO) dispute between the two countries.

    Mr. Biden arrived in New Delhi in the evening to attend the G-20 Summit and went straight to Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s official residence for a bilateral meeting. The summit will be held on Saturday and Sunday. Read more here.

  • September 09, 2023 07:22

    Zomato, Swiggy unavailable in NDMC areas

    WhatsApp Image 2023-09-09 at 07.10.06.jpeg

  • September 09, 2023 07:18

    Analysis | India stakes its G20 legacy on Global South imprint

    As G20 negotiators led by ​Indian Sherpa Amitabh Kant​ continued discussions on the draft “Leader’s Declaration” for the Summit in September, the government is staking much of its resources on ensuring the membership of the African Union (AU)​ in the G20​. India has inserted the AU membership proposal in its revised draft that is being reviewed by​ all member countries during the 3-day (July 13-15) meet​ in rain-soaked Hampi, while finalizing the language on other India-imprint additions on gender-led development, digital public infrastructure and green hydrogen transitions. Read more ​here​.

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