
Companies subject to EU financial sustainability requirements – CEPS

According to the Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), public interest entities (PIEs) are obliged to publish a non-financial statement with material ‎information on their business model, policies, outcomes, risks and risk management ‎and key performance indicators related to environmental, social and employee ‎matters, respect for human rights, and anti-corruption and bribery matters. The non-financial statement should not only provide the ‎information that is relevant to determine the value of the company (financial ‎materiality), but also the information that is important to understand the external ‎impacts of the company (environmental and social materiality). These two forms of ‎materiality are increasingly intertwined, as for instance the stress tests on the impact of ‎climate change on financial institutions illustrate.‎  Besides the NFRD, there are other relevant sustainability disclosure requirements at EU level. ‎The regulation on sustainability-related disclosures in the financial services sector (Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation, SFDR) ‎requires financial market participants and financial advisers to disclose sustainability ‎information at entity and product level.  CEPS developed a methodology to identify which companies are covered by the NFRD and SFDR in the 2021 “Study on the Non-Financial Reporting Directive”.

Now, under this project, CEPS yearly provides data to MSCI on which companies are subject to EU financial ‎sustainability requirements at EU level. When new legislation enters into force, like in the case of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive, that will also be covered.

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